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Child Support Issues: Letter Templates

By: Abigail Taylor - Updated: 19 Mar 2021 | comments*Discuss
Letter Template Child Support

The Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission is the governing organisation for all matter relating to child support (known until recently as the CSA). The rules are set to change slightly but child support itself is around to stay and there will always be a need for an organisation to regulate and administer payment collections. With that in mind we have produced a series of letter templates to accompany our guide to child support. The letters are self explanatory, just fill in your own details. The letter templates are as follows:

  1. Denying or questioning paternity of a child
  2. Disputing calculations made by the child support agency or your ex
  3. Requesting an end date for payments
  4. Asking for a breakdown of calculations
  5. Explaining about extenuating circumstances (rendering you unable to pay as much)
  6. Explaining a change in your circumstances

1. Letter denying or questioning paternity

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing in relation to the letter you sent me stating that I owe child maintenance in relation to [child's name and date of birth].

I deny / am unsure that I am the father of this child and so do not owe any child support.

The courts have not adjudicated on this matter and I was not married to the child's mother at any point between the child's conception and birth. I am willing to take a DNA test to settle the issue.

Please contact me within 7 working days to acknowledge receipt of this letter and detailing how the matter will proceed.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

2. Letter disputing calculations

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing to dispute the amount of child maintenance you stated I owe in your letter dated [enter date of letter stating amount you owe which you dispute]. In this letter you calculated my child maintenance at [amount].

I dispute this amount and calculate that my child maintenance amount should be [amount].

My calculation is based upon my net income at [amount] and paying for [number] children:

[child A name and date of birth]
[child B name and date of birth]

I am entitled to the following exemptions / discounts:

  • I am a student at [name of college / university].
  • I am a serving prisoner at [name of prison].
  • I am aged 16 or under
  • I have shared care of the above named children for [number] days / month.
  • I have [number] other children living with me - [name and date of birth of other children].

Please contact me within 7 working days if you dispute my calculated amount of child support.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

3. Letter about payment end date

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing to enquire when my child maintenance payments will stop.

I currently pay for [child A and date of birth]
[child B and date of birth].

I calculate that they will turn 16 years old on [date] and [date].

I am not aware that they will continue to study full-time after this date / I anticipate that they will continue to study full-time until [date] and [date].

Please contact me within 7 working days to let me know when my payments in relation to each child will stop.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

4. Letter asking for calculation details

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing to request a breakdown of your calculation which results in me owing [amount] in child maintenance in relation to [child A and date of birth] and [child B and date of birth].

Please outline what you consider to be my net income, any exemptions or discounts I have been awarded, the number of days you consider me to have joint care of my children and any other children living with me included in the calculation.

Please provide the above information within 7 working days so that I can review your calculations to see why you consider that I owe [amount] in child maintenance.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

5. Letter indicating extenuating circumstances

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing to tell you about a change in my circumstances. I now have extenuating circumstances which will affect my child maintenance payments.

My new circumstances are [enter brief details of extenuating circumstances - e.g. illness]. This means that I have less / no income available to pay child maintenance and my current net income is [amount].

I anticipate that my extenuating circumstances will last [amount of time / for the foreseeable future]. I will be able to continue payment of child maintenance on [date] / I am unsure when I will be able to continue paying child maintenance.

Please contact me within 7 working to discuss my new circumstances and how they will affect my child maintenance payments.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

6. Letter about a change of circumstances

10 Mar 2025

Dear Sirs,

RE: Case reference number [enter case number on top of letters]

I am writing to tell you about a change in my circumstances which will affect the amount of child maintenance I pay.

My net income is now [amount] as I have changed job / my pay has changed. I am now entitled to the following exemptions / discounts:

  • I am a student at [name of college / university].
  • I am a serving prisoner at [name of prison].
  • I am aged 16 / 17 and receive income support / job seekers allowance.
  • I have shared care of the above named children for [number] days / month.
  • I have [number] other children living with me - [name and date of birth of other children].

Please contact me within 7 working days if you dispute / require any further information on my new circumstances.

Yours faithfully,

[your signature]

[your name]

If there you'd like to know more about child support take a look at: Child Support Payments: A Downloadable Detailed Guide.

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goodday iamladyresidinginSA iwentto child supportcourt formysonwhoisnow doinggrade8 this yearfirstly thepeoplewhom worksas the localcourtare peoplewhomwe growupwithit took metimeforme togetthe fatherof my childto get the gurnishordersincehe wassayinga lotof thingsand i hadto tellthe judge to solve thecashfinallyhethen started payingunder gurnishorder. after a year paying fora year we stated having problem of upsand down like for three consacative months without money in when i went tocomplain then they payand as we speek nowthe owe me moneyfor like 10 outstanding months now my complain is like this some last year in january he thenleftworking andi went to tell them thathe is no longerworking and theofficialgavegaranteed me thati shouldnt getworriedi wasgoingto getmoneyfromthe lap sumthathe was getting andi was goingto be calledto come and signfora certainpercent for the child upkeep two monthslateri was called to come bythefather ofthe childto comesignformoney andproberlya 25% . i went to courtto putsignaturebut wastoldto withhimifcall himto comewithmehe would tell he is sickorhe drank to muchhe cantgo on that state i kept on putting until the official offers to give me 20k i refuse because i was supposed to 120pleasecan to helpto writea letter and aremeasure steps to take
GP - 19-Mar-21 @ 8:50 AM
goodday iamladyresidinginSA iwentto child supportcourt formysonwhoisnow doinggrade8 this yearfirstly thepeoplewhom worksas the localcourtare peoplewhomwe growupwithit took metimeforme togetthe fatherof my childto get the gurnishordersincehe wassayinga lotof thingsand i hadto tellthe judge to solve thecashfinallyhethen started payingunder gurnishorder. after a year paying fora year we stated having problem of upsand down like for three consacative months without money in when i went tocomplain then they payand as we speek nowthe owe me moneyfor like 10 outstanding months now my complain is like this some last year in january he thenleftworking andi went to tell them thathe is no longerworking and theofficialgavegaranteed me thati shouldnt getworriedi wasgoingto getmoneyfromthe lap sumthathe was getting andi was goingto be calledto come and signfora certainpercent for the child upkeep two monthslateri was called to come bythefather ofthe childto comesignformoney andproberlya 25% . i went to courtto putsignaturebut wastoldto withhimifcall himto comewithmehe would tell he is sickorhe drank to muchhe cantgo on that state i kept on putting until the official offers to give me 20k i refuse because i was supposed to 120pleasecan to helpto writea letter and aremeasure steps to take
GP - 19-Mar-21 @ 8:49 AM
goodday iamladyresidinginSA iwentto child supportcourt formysonwhoisnow doinggrade8 this yearfirstly thepeoplewhom worksas the localcourtare peoplewhomwe growupwithit took metimeforme togetthe fatherof my childto get the gurnishordersincehe wassayinga lotof thingsand i hadto tellthe judge to solve thecashfinallyhethen started payingunder gurnishorder. after a year paying fora year we stated having problem of upsand down like for three consacative months without money in when i went tocomplain then they payand as we speek nowthe owe me moneyfor like 10 outstanding months now my complain is like this some last year in january he thenleftworking andi went to tell them thathe is no longerworking and theofficialgavegaranteed me thati shouldnt getworriedi wasgoingto getmoneyfromthe lap sumthathe was getting andi was goingto be calledto come and signfora certainpercent for the child upkeep two monthslateri was called to come bythefather ofthe childto comesignformoney andproberlya 25% . i went to courtto putsignaturebut wastoldto withhimifcall himto comewithmehe would tell he is sickorhe drank to muchhe cantgo on that state i kept on putting until the official offers to give me 20k i refuse because i was supposed to 120pleasecan to helpto writea letter and aremeasure steps to take
GP - 19-Mar-21 @ 8:47 AM
goodday iamladyresidinginSA iwentto child supportcourt formysonwhoisnow doinggrade8 this yearfirstly thepeoplewhom worksas the localcourtare peoplewhomwe growupwithit took metimeforme togetthe fatherof my childto get the gurnishordersincehe wassayinga lotof thingsand i hadto tellthe judge to solve thecashfinallyhethen started payingunder gurnishorder. after a year paying fora year we stated having problem of upsand down like for three consacative months without money in when i went tocomplain then they payand as we speek nowthe owe me moneyfor like 10 outstanding months now my complain is like this some last year in january he thenleftworking andi went to tell them thathe is no longerworking and theofficialgavegaranteed me thati shouldnt getworriedi wasgoingto getmoneyfromthe lap sumthathe was getting andi was goingto be calledto come and signfora certainpercent for the child upkeep two monthslateri was called to come bythefather ofthe childto comesignformoney andproberlya 25% . i went to courtto putsignaturebut wastoldto withhimifcall himto comewithmehe would tell he is sickorhe drank to muchhe cantgo on that state i kept on putting until the official offers to give me 20k i refuse because i was supposed to 120pleasecan to helpto writea letter and aremeasure steps to take
GP - 19-Mar-21 @ 8:31 AM
It's not always dad's that get ripped off. Mums do too, I had my son until he was 16 and didn't go through the courts for child maintenance. His dad and I had an agreement which worked, he made a small contribution of 50% towards school uniform, meals and school trips. I asked for nothing else. When we divorced everything was split down the middle, even though I came into the relationship with assets and he did not.. I made sure my son spent time with his father. When my son moved in with his father at 16 things all changedhe claimed Child maintenance and this has continued until he is 20 as he is in college. I pay £250 a month. I no longer see my son. I was fair and considerate yet the system has allowed this man to sponge off me when I didn't do the same to him. CM have treated me like an absent parent, I not only brought my son up but paid the largest proportion of his upkeep, then was completely ripped off by his father who saw an opportunity to make money out of me and the system has enabled this. In law you are considered to be an adult at 18 so why do I have to pay maintenance. My son has a part time job and more luxuries than I have. His father exploited me and the CMS enabled it.
Ripped off by ex - 3-Jan-21 @ 11:44 PM
Hi I want to write a letter to Bolton MP on behalf of my child who live here from more than 7 years and by the law we have to remain stay here on the basis of life in uk .
Sheza - 26-Sep-20 @ 1:50 PM
Hi im trying to find out when child support paid up. I dont have case or record #s as Domenic Carmine Barba's (my sons full name) father (Joseph Barba)& I don't communicate. Id been incarcerated so its about a year the $169/ mo backed up. My son will be 19 on Aug 29th& not in school. Supposed 2 be studying for GED but think he stopped. Originally went thru CT court in Norwich where we 3 lived. Now Im in PA & theyre in Sammamish WA. My s# 046726926. Dont have his cuz his dad took all the ppwk. My#570-998-3247 Address: ,405 E Sunbury St Apt #4-3 Shamokin PA 17872. Any info or direction you can point me to would be much appreciated.
NYY - 11-Aug-20 @ 1:09 PM
When will the child maintenance stop my daughter is 18 and is no longer going back to college also they have sent me a letter to say the payments have increased yet I’m earning less now than last year how’s this right
Hilly - 15-May-20 @ 4:09 PM
Truth is I have (recovered) .and time to act( my age )men in my (age group )don’t have there children full time .and (very few )have visitation this is (reality).truth Is have never paid child support and never went to court for visitation.it is what is is in my circle sorry for all the stupid posts .i have a grip now and it’s full stream ahead for me these blogs are not for me .they are for younger people .
C.laurie - 26-Oct-19 @ 11:37 PM
sorry website this my final post .@pjd.people think I am (mentally ill) because I didn’t want to be with the child’s mother and never went to court for visitation .been called a criminal a fraudster and the latest thing i heard people saying is I am autistic homeless man with a micro penis .haters are going to hate .yeah and with the government child benefits women get is (enough )for them I don’t need to pay child support the way I see it .because I will remind them I am mentally ill I am criminal fraudster homeless men with a micro penis that needs all his pennies .
C.laurie - 26-Oct-19 @ 8:50 PM
I have recently had to look after my son full time, as the x-wife is mentally ill. I Have applied to have child benefit paid to myself and stop payment to my x-wife , but just received a letter from CMA saying they have investigated my claim and basically they have contacted her and she has said that my son is still living with her. How do I prove that this is not the case. Any advice welcome!
Pjd - 26-Oct-19 @ 7:22 PM
I'm paying in excess of £1200/month as instructed by the CMS.I work away but I am home for 3/5th of the year so over 30 weeks per year.When I am home I have the children every Tuesday, every Friday and for 2 out of the 3 weekends I am home I have them from Friday morning to Sunday night.I am also very flexible and have them many extra days and nights when the mother asks me.I also had them for 9 days whilst she went on an extravagant holiday.This year I will easily have had them for a minimum of 52 nights (I have been keeping a diary).I am inclined to apply for a reduction to the CMS of 1/7th.However, I fear that if I do this, she will stop me having them so much as she is completely money obsessed and would stop me having them purely to ensure she receives the full amount.Where do I stand?
daddyP - 13-Sep-19 @ 8:37 AM
I am a dad not been able to see my son due to his mother, the only way I could have see him is if I went back to her which would never happen.My son is now 19 in so called full time education and working yet I have just received an attachment to my earnings of £535 PM how does this government expect dads to live as if they care.Women who use their children as weapons against dads are the one who should be made to struggle.
Steve - 30-Jun-19 @ 2:03 PM
My son in law works in Saudi for BAE he is paying nothing to my daughter and sons can she get him to pay child support as he pays no tax or national insurance but still claims medical etc here in Britain
Angie - 10-Jun-19 @ 6:38 PM
I am paying child support for an adult special needs son that's 21.He's able to get state assistance.
nst - 17-Mar-19 @ 5:12 AM
My son is 17. Last year, November, he stopped full-time education (less than 12 hours/week). His mother, however, is fraudulentlyreceiving Child Benefit and so also Child Maintenance. I've been in contact with Child Benefit who refuse to speak with me about any aspect of maintenance as I do not hold the Benefit Book, but forwarded me on to the Fraud department. I understand from them that it could be six months or longer before this is investigated. In the meantime, I continue paying Child Maintenance which I should not have to. The bureaucracy is impermeable. What do people do in this situation?
Michael - 4-Feb-19 @ 3:56 PM
My daughter's dad has been paying maintenance of £30a week by mutual agreement since she was 3 years old and she is now 18 years old in full-time education he has stopped the payments 4 weeks ago she is still living with me and not working and so still financially dependent on me what can I do as I understand he should be paying maintenance until up to 20 if she's in education
H - 26-Jan-19 @ 10:15 AM
@sjh.child support and child visitation are to (completely different things) .if you partner is on benefits or working they only take a little witch wouldn’t make him homeless .get to the (courts )for visitation his child and he self have a (blood right) to no each other do not be dictated bye his ex he will get rights gods truth .then smile and say to his get that into you ha ha .
Chris - 8-Jan-19 @ 5:34 PM
Looking for advice. Partner has been told to pay child maintenance and arrears that will leave him financially unable to pay his rent and bills. CMS do not appear to be interested in his actual income and expenditure. He wants to pay as much as he can afford for his daughter. He has had no access to his daughter for nearly 2 years. Surely CMS are not allowed to make someone homeless?
Sjh - 8-Jan-19 @ 1:53 PM
Hi, I’m a fully involved Dad to two children, been separated 4 years and divorced 3. Have always paid maintenance (and then some in the early days). My kids stay with me approx 160 days a year / 3 nights a week on average, plus additional time I’ve been asked to have them (always happy to do so). I have a decent salary as a headteacher and so pay quite a bit. On top of this I pay roughly an equal amount on basics and activities during my time I.e. food, clothes, football subs, drama club, weekend spends etc. More is paid for holidays too. My ex’s boyfriend has moved in with her and is contributing to her household costs. As they’re not married I know I still need to pay but my question is...am I within my rights to request that the maintenance I give covers the cost of their general upkeep i.e pays for the activities they do when they are with me / clothes etc? I’m getting quite frustrated that Im paying for lots on my time and also paying for equal amounts on my ex’s time. To clarify though, being able to support them to access such activities is important to me so long as I can afford it. Also just for info I have just written to her to ask for shared care as we’re virtually there now but I feel I’m getting the short end of the stick. Any advice welcome. Thank you
Fullyinvolved - 21-Oct-18 @ 9:25 AM
Hi, I’m a fully involved Dad to two children, been separated 4 years and divorced 3. Have always paid maintenance (and then some in the early days). My kids stay with me approx 160 days a year / 3 nights a week on average, plus additional time I’ve been asked to have them (always happy to do so). I have a decent salary as a headteacher and so pay quite a bit. On top of this I pay roughly an equal amount on basics and activities during my time I.e. food, clothes, football subs, drama club, weekend spends etc. More is paid for holidays too. My ex’s boyfriend has moved in with her and is contributing to her household costs. As they’re not married I know I still need to pay but my question is...am I within my rights to request that the maintenance I give covers the cost of their general upkeep i.e pays for the activities they do when they are with me / clothes etc? I’m getting quite frustrated that Im paying for lots on my time and also paying for equal amounts on my ex’s time. To clarify though, being able to support them to access such activities is important to me so long as I can afford it. Also just for info I have just written to her to ask for shared care as we’re virtually there now but I feel I’m getting the short end of the stick. Any advice welcome. Thank you
Fullyinvolved - 21-Oct-18 @ 8:58 AM
@sandy .i am sorry to tell you this but yes you are to late the child support ship has sailed for you my dear it’s about I am guessing 9 years to late ?.i don’t mean to be rude are you disabled?.or a narcissist ?.did you just wake up after 9 years and go oh wait I want child support now ?.do you think that’s fair on the bio father ?.if you are struggling financially do what romans did get a job if you have one get second job .
Danny - 17-Oct-18 @ 9:59 PM
Hi me and my husband seperated 7 months ago and we havnt really spoken or sat down and discussed things properly i didnt wont to go down the route of child matience he has the children every other weekend im struggling financially is it too late to put a claim in thankyou
Sandy - 16-Oct-18 @ 1:09 PM
Hello looking for some advice on behalf of my husband as he’s rubbish at this sort of thing! He has a 17yr old daughter from a previous relationship who we have always paid child maintenance to, the mother stopped us seeing the child from the age of 9 and we have no contact with the Mum only through sending letters to her mothers house as they all live 2 hours away and we have no contact numbers either. Anyway, at the moment we have a family arranged agreement with the mum but this year the child left school and we have since found out on social media that her and her daughter have been in Benidorm for the past month and the child has been working out there, lots of photos and tags to prove this which I have saved. Should we no longer be paying the child maintenance? And how can we go about doing so as I don’t want to stop it just in case we are wrong ( what if she starts college after Christmas?) and we end up having to back date the money.any constructive advice appreciated:-)
Charlie - 9-Oct-18 @ 7:55 AM
Tam - Your Question:
My kids father is trying to decrease his child maintenance. He has had two children with another woman( his reason for doing so) this is the fathers only form of support. child support in GA is now adding my income (which is not a problem) but I do not make what the office claims I do. my hours at my job vary so I never see a decent check. I was told by the support office that its what I have the "potential" to make. laws here in Ga and where I am from are very different. please give me advice on what to do.

Our Response:
As we are a UK-based site, we can only unfortunately give information on UK-based child maintenance laws.
SeparatedDads - 6-Aug-18 @ 10:17 AM
My kids father is trying to decrease his child maintenance. He has had two children with another woman( his reason for doing so) this is the fathers only form of support. child support in GA is now adding my income (which is not a problem) but I do not make what the office claims I do. my hours at my job vary so I never see a decent check. I was told by the support office that its what I have the "potential" to make. laws here in Ga and where I am from are very different. please give me advice on what to do.
Tam - 5-Aug-18 @ 7:30 AM
caringparent - Your Question:
Hello, I am an non resident dad,( I live and work 140 miles from my children although return every 3 weekends and have care of the children during all Christmas school holidays,half term weeks and share half care in Summer holidays ) my daughters aged 10 and 12 live with their Mum. Unfortunately, although their mum works and receives child maintenance from me and child benefit and child working tax credit she has been in constant difficulty financially, ie moved rented house 5 times in six years (Due to houses being kept filthy, She does not clean she moves),I have paid water rates, council tax etc. I have always tried to support her giving her child maintenance payments and future child maintenance money in advance and they have been used to pay off 2 £5,000 loans she defaulted on,paid two 3 year car leases to enable her to take the children to school,( I have refused to take up another car lease ( her response was " Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of my friends!" She is 32 years old! I have paid bailiffs, missed rent to landlords,deposits for houses etc. paid for all school uniform, paid money direct to school meal cards to make sure the children had money for school meals, bought all clothing, shoes and the girls ring me regularly to transfer money usually £30 a time to their mother for entertainment costs while in their mothers care, We have now reached the point where I have made a total of upfront child care payments ( under family arrangements) to cover in advance until the girls reach their 18th birthdays respectively. Now their mum has contacted CMS for payments although we have agreed via email that she has already received all maintenance payments in advance to help cover her and the children's current living costs. Where do I stand with her going back on this agreement.

Our Response:
I am surprised that you have agreed to give a person who has no concept of money a lump sum amount to last the period of when your children are 18. Unfortunately, I do not think this is going to have an effect on you having to pay monthly or weekly child maintenance payments if your ex has gone to CMS, as it's about the ongoing needs of your children.
SeparatedDads - 29-Jun-18 @ 12:21 PM
Shawny - Your Question:
My child from a previous relationship who I pay for was in education/college and as recently finished and looking for work. Do I still pay for her.

Our Response:
As a rule, when your child leaves approved education or training payments will stop at the end of February, 31 May, 31 August or 30 November (whichever comes first). You can see more via the link here which will tell you all you need to know as when child benefit stops, so do child maintenance payments.
SeparatedDads - 26-Jun-18 @ 2:49 PM
Hello, I am an non resident dad,( I live and work 140 miles from my children although return every 3 weekends and have care of the children during all Christmas school holidays,half term weeks and share half care in Summer holidays ) my daughters aged 10 and 12 live with their Mum. Unfortunately, although their mum works and receives child maintenance from me and child benefit and child working tax creditshe has been in constant difficulty financially, ie moved rented house 5 times in six years (Due to houses being kept filthy, She does not clean she moves),I have paid water rates, council tax etc. I have always tried to support her giving her child maintenance payments and future child maintenance money in advanceand they have been used to pay off2 £5,000 loans she defaulted on,paid two 3 yearcar leases to enable her to take the children to school,( I have refused to take up another car lease ( her response was" Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of my friends!" She is 32 years old! I havepaid bailiffs, missed rent to landlords,deposits for houses etc. paid for all school uniform, paid money direct to school meal cards to make sure the children had money for school meals, bought all clothing, shoes and the girls ring me regularly to transfer money usually £30 a timeto their mother for entertainment costs while in their mothers care,We have now reached the point where I have made a total of upfrontchild care payments ( under family arrangements) to cover in advance until the girls reach their 18th birthdays respectively. Now their mum has contacted CMS for payments although we have agreed via emailthat she has already received all maintenance payments in advance to help cover her and the children'scurrent living costs. Where do I stand with her going back on this agreement.
caring parent - 26-Jun-18 @ 10:03 AM
My child from a previous relationship who i pay for was in education/college and as recently finished and looking for work. Do i still pay for her..
Shawny - 25-Jun-18 @ 10:52 PM
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