Letter Templates...
Below are our articles on the subject of Letter Templates. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

After the Court Order: Sample Letters Part 1
Five letter templates to help you with issues following a court order relating to residency/contact including - change of surname, school information, moving school,…...

After the Court Order: Sample Letters Part 2
The next five letters in our pack to help you communicate following a court order for residency/contact, topics include, taking children abroad and emigration....

Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme: Template
A template letter that shows you how you can start the ADR/mediation process, and vital information about costs in civil proceedings....

Child Support Issues: Letter Templates
Five letter templates for you to use in your communications about child support. The letters cover 1) denying paternity 2) disputing calculations 3) asking for an end…...

Paternity Tests: Letter Templates
Here are two letter templates to use if you want to have a paternity test carried out. The first, is a letter is to a paternity testing body and the other is to the…...

Requesting a PR Agreement: Letter Template
If you want to play an active part in your child's life and you don't automatically have parental responsbility, you could have a parental responsibility agreement…...

Sample Separation Agreement
Here is an example agreement that you can use to record the division of your property, assets, child-related finances....

School, Health and Clubs: Letter Templates
Here are 3 letters to help you get the information you need about your child's schooling and health: 1) to school requesting information about your child's education…...

Your Ex and Holiday Issues: Letter Templates
Four letter templates to help you communicate with your ex over holidays with the children; taking them abroad, changing dates, requesting extra days and setting up…...