Unfortunately, some fathers find it really difficult to be able to obtain medical and education information about their child, either from the resident mother or the professionals involved. If you have spoken to the mother of your child and not got any further, the first step is to put a request in writing to the relevant professionals and see if that improves the situation. Here are two templates to help you contact your child's medical practioner and school.
Medical Information
For information about your child’s health, you should contact your doctor directly, explaining that you are a parent who has the right to your child’s health information. If you are refused the information at first instance, ask the practitioner for information on how to make a complaint, or speak to the General Practice Manager.
1. Here is a letter template to help you write to your GP:
Your Name Your Address
Name of GP Practice Practice Address
Today's date
My child [INSERT CHILD’S NAME] is currently registered at your practice. She/he lives with their mother at [INSERT CHILD’S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS].
I request that you notify me of any important medical information relating to my child, whether via telephone or in writing and using the contact details I have supplied above. I understand and acknowledge that you may require proof of Parental Responsibility, and have therefore enclosed proof for your records.
I am making this request under the Data Protection Act 1998. I am sure that you are also aware of the Guidance on Good Practice by the General Medical Council, in particular paragraph 55, which states that:
“Divorce or separation does not affect parental responsibility and you should allow both parents reasonable access to their children's health records.”
Please ensure that my contact details are placed on my child’s medical records and that I am contacted in the event of anything prominent, such as allergies, serious conditions, dietary requirements etc. I am making this request in the interests of my child and his/her wellbeing.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above telephone number, should you require further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Schools and Education
It is essential that you get the same information about your child from their school as the mother. To ensure this, contact your child’s school being pleasant but firm, and explain that you, as a parent, are entitled to the same information to be sent to you as well as the child’s mother.
2. Here is a letter template to help you write to the school:
Your Name Your Address
Name of Head Teacher School Name and Address
Today's date
My child [INSERT CHILD’S NAME] attends [SCHOOL NAME] and is currently in [INSERT CHILD’S CLASS NUMBER AND TEACHER (if known)]. She/he lives with their mother at [INSERT CHILD’S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS].
I ask that you please notify me of:
Any parents' evenings or other events that parents are invited to, such as plays and sports days
Any activities where parental consent is required
Any reports or records of my child’s performance
Any concerns you may have about [CHILD'S NAME]
Any other important matters
Under the Education Act 1996, biological parents and those with parental responsibility are within their rights to receive the same information as the mother. There is also a Government leaflet (DfEE 0092/2000) entitled ‘The Schools, Parents and Parental Responsibility’, which confirms this.
I am keen to support my child in his/her education.
Many thanks in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
Yours sincerely,
Points to Remember
Make sure that you do enclose proof of your parental responsibility and that you also make a copy of everything that you send for your own records.
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@adad.in a perfect world 10 years ago I should have got a solicitor for rights to my daughter but I didn’t .the mother puts orders on me that keeps me away .i know it’s pointless with the time frame now .but it helps I just hope my daughter is ok and doing alright .
C.laurie - 8-Nov-19 @ 5:45 PM
I've been trying to contact my childs school since Septemberregarding information to be sent to me. I used the template on this site and 2 other emails and they just will not reply to me. In the last email I stated the education act and that I will be taking futher action if no contact is made. I recieved an email of acknowledgement 5 days ago saying someone will be in contact soon but they havnt. Unsure of the next steps to take as the school is an academy. Any help would be great thank you in advance
Adad - 8-Nov-19 @ 2:14 PM
Hello, I need some advice, I split with my x after a long relationship/marriage and we have a beautiful little girl who is 7 years old, After the split things were sort of amicable a couple of disagreements but that was all, however 2 months on and things went downhill. My daughter is ill and my x won't tell me how my daughter is doing. I have tried all avenues as I know my x has a drink problem on top of that she supplies her teenage son with money for cannabis and allows his friends to smoke it when they stay over, she also goes out and smokes with him, she should know better as she is a teacher, so as you can imagine I'm very concerned for my daughters welfare, Social services are useless and no one seems to want to help even though she is performing illegal activities and putting my daughter at risk, the only thing I have been told is if Im worried to take my daughter from her home and take my x to court and this was by social services, I would do this but I cannot afford huge court/solicitors costs as I wouldn't be able to afford my mortgage as I would have to stay home with my daughter until things were sorted out so I would lose my job and would have no where for my daughter to live. Can anyone suggest anything please?
Britt66 - 26-Feb-19 @ 11:05 PM
@upset grandma .(i do not like my x one bit) she would have affairs with my own (family for god sake and there is lot off them gods truth )and if I am totally (brutally honest )I could (lose my head )and (hurt them easily )a massive part off me wants to .but I would be only hurting myself end up in (jail again ).over a (two bit harlot and some maybe daughter I haven’t seen in 10 years ) I don’t think so .if my ex stays clear off me and I her we have no beef I will write it off she can have the child gods truth .
Chris - 13-Jan-19 @ 9:12 PM
@upset grandma.well you on the (right track )with the filing off court papers and a (solicitor) will take care off the rest for you .i myself are in a (difficult situation) and made choice to (walk away) .so if my ex was in the (same town )as me I would like her to respect( my (choice) and stay clear off me ).i will do the (same) .she can have as many men as she wants( I do not care )nothing to do with me .and under the circumstances I think it’s best for (her daughter to do the same) .(this is no game).
Chris - 13-Jan-19 @ 7:16 PM
Screw these evil baby mamas. I raised my grandson from 0 to 3yrs old. His mom picks him up from my house in Oct 2015 I haven't seen him since no explanation no nothing just vanished. His father and I have been looking for him since. No FB post no Instagram post nothing. I missed his potty training, first day of school and everything in between. It hurts to see his pic or even talk about him. I need to locate him to make sure he is ok. She goes from man to man and has two other children. I don't want him to forget us or be mad at us for not being in his life when that is the mother's choice. She is in the same town as us. I looked everyday to see if she pops up on FB and yes she did. I don't want to spook her just in case she leaves. I will be going to file papers in family court. His bd is coming up and I would desperately like to see him and introduce him to his twin bro and sister. Please give me some clues as to how to look for him.
Thanks heart broken grandmother
Upset grandma - 13-Jan-19 @ 5:00 PM
My partner has payed for his son and he has left school, his mother enrolled him at college which he only went for a couple off weeks, we got a record to show he did not carry on with his college so we stopped paying this nov the css have got in touch with us to say he now owes 3100 in back payment, we have told them he is not in college he is now 18 and 1 kid and another one on the way, the css are saying we still have to pay it and also 270 a month till he leaves college, we are going round and round and we even sent CDs his college record to say he did not go, please what can we do we need some help solving this
Booboo1966 - 7-Dec-18 @ 8:24 PM
Please l want to request a letter from my go to confirm my current address. How do I start it.
Albi - 14-Oct-18 @ 11:51 PM
Ted - Your Question:
Hi there, I asked my exs for the name and address of my son GP and she refuse to give it to me. I think I have right to have that kind of information as my son spends a lot of time with me even if he lives with her. Is there any other way to find out that? Maybe trough the school?
Our Response:
If you have parental responsibility of your child, then if your ex refuses then a solicitor's letter may work, mediation may also be an option. Or your final option would have to be to apply to court.
SeparatedDads - 4-Jun-18 @ 12:50 PM
Hi there, I asked my exs for the name and address of my son GP and she refuse to give it to me.I think I have right to have that kind of information as my son spends a lot of time with me even if he lives with her. Is there any other way to find out that?Maybe trough the school?
Ted - 3-Jun-18 @ 10:10 PM
I have divorced in 2012. i have a girl child. she is reading in 1st standard. The court gave parental responsibility to me. but some time my husband go to school. i complaint this to school athoritey but they are saying gave us in writen format...but i m confused about me...so pls any one tell me the format of such type letter to do not sand my daughter with her father or anyone else
payal - 17-Nov-16 @ 3:47 AM
In a bit of a dilemma here all the above posts are at fathers rights what about mothers rights I am in the exact same situation as Tamarman , the kids live with me full time ,every second wkend the kids go stay with their dad (which isn't a problem) but he is corrupting their little mind's,sw services comes in every time a incident arises which is mostly by him being in turbulent relationships and drug abuse , every time my kids go there they come back and are completely disrectfull to me , destroy my property try hit me wih things , I contacted my lawyer stating I think pas is part of it (parental alienation syndrom) he drives by my house constantly and on one occasion took my 12 year old daughter over to his , she is then lying to me saying she is at her friends I punish her for lying ( not with going with him) but he is at fault there as he is encouraging her to do it , on sun there when they came back from his it was the final straw as things went out of control and they were cornering my younger child as he was behaving , there father told him he was not his dad because he had a argument with his oldest child so he took it out on the youngest , I brought him over to my house to see what they are like every time they come back from his , and when he threatened my oldest child that he was going to drag her out wih the hair of the head because she didn't want to go, she then spiralled out of control behaviour wise ( I got the brunt of it ) she started battering holes in her bedroom door , and has now got a criminal charge for something else that happened in street , on sun he said he was taking them over to speak with them , this is now going on a wk later and I still don't have my children back , sw has been involved and said I can get my kids back at anytime and to take it up with my lawyer,in the wk he has had them all 3 kids stayed off school one day and he has took it upon himself to change primary and secondary school saying I have kicked them out and they are living with him through the week , which hasn't been confirmed through a court , or writtenoagreement , so all I'm saying is don't think the system is just not fair on men ,as I completelydon't understand how sw services can adviseto stop contact because of a drug relation then allow them to stay there for the week and have a argument over it in court , I have messaged him to say when am I getting g to see kids and he's replied go see your lawyerso not only is he not allowing them to come back he is not allowing them to see me !! Where is the justice on that !!!
a mum - 21-Nov-15 @ 12:40 PM
In a bit of a dilemma here all the above posts are at fathers rights what about mothers rights I am in the exact same situation as Tamarman , the kids live with me full time ,every second wkend the kids go stay with their dad (which isn't a problem) but he is corrupting their little mind's,sw services comes in every time a incident arises which is mostly by him being in turbulent relationships and drug abuse , every time my kids go there they come back and are completely disrectfull to me , destroy my property try hit me wih things , I contacted my lawyer stating I think pas is part of it (parental alienation syndrom) he drives by my house constantly and on one occasion took my 12 year old daughter over to his , she is then lying to me saying she is at her friends I punish her for lying ( not with going with him) but he is at fault there as he is encouraging her to do it , on sun there when they came back from his it was the final straw as things went out of control and they were cornering my younger child as he was behaving , there father told him he was not his dad because he had a argument with his oldest child so he took it out on the youngest , I brought him over to my house to see what they are like every time they come back from his , and when he threatened my oldest child that he was going to drag her out wih the hair of the head because she didn't want to go, she then spiralled out of control behaviour wise ( I got the brunt of it ) she started battering holes in her bedroom door , and has now got a criminal charge for something else that happened in street , on sun he said he was taking them over to speak with them , this is now going on a wk later and I still don't have my children back , sw has been involved and said I can get my kids back at anytime and to take it up with my lawyer,in the wk he has had them all 3 kids stayed off school one day and he has took it upon himself to change primary and secondary school saying I have kicked them out and they are living with him through the week , which hasn't been confirmed through a court , or writtenoagreement , so all I'm saying is don't think the system is just not fair on men ,as I completelydon't understand how sw services can adviseto stop contact because of a drug relation then allow them to stay there for the week and have a argument over it in court , I have messaged him to say when am I getting g to see kids and he's replied go see your lawyerso not only is he not allowing them to come back he is not allowing them to see me !! Where is the justice on that !!!
a mum - 21-Nov-15 @ 12:37 PM
In a bit of a dilemma here all the above posts are at fathers rights what about mothers rights I am in the exact same situation as Tamarman , the kids live with me full time ,every second wkend the kids go stay with their dad (which isn't a problem) but he is corrupting their little mind's,sw services comes in every time a incident arises which is mostly by him being in turbulent relationships and drug abuse , every time my kids go there they come back and are completely disrectfull to me , destroy my property try hit me wih things , I contacted my lawyer stating I think pas is part of it (parental alienation syndrom) he drives by my house constantly and on one occasion took my 12 year old daughter over to his , she is then lying to me saying she is at her friends I punish her for lying ( not with going with him) but he is at fault there as he is encouraging her to do it , on sun there when they came back from his it was the final straw as things went out of control and they were cornering my younger child as he was behaving , there father told him he was not his dad because he had a argument with his oldest child so he took it out on the youngest , I brought him over to my house to see what they are like every time they come back from his , and when he threatened my oldest child that he was going to drag her out wih the hair of the head because she didn't want to go, she then spiralled out of control behaviour wise ( I got the brunt of it ) she started battering holes in her bedroom door , and has now got a criminal charge for something else that happened in street , on sun he said he was taking them over to speak with them , this is now going on a wk later and I still don't have my children back , sw has been involved and said I can get my kids back at anytime and to take it up with my lawyer,in the wk he has had them all 3 kids stayed off school one day and he has took it upon himself to change primary and secondary school saying I have kicked them out and they are living with him through the week , which hasn't been confirmed through a court , or writtenoagreement , so all I'm saying is don't think the system is just not fair on men ,as I completelydon't understand how sw services can adviseto stop contact because of a drug relation then allow them to stay there for the week and have a argument over it in court , I have messaged him to say when am I getting g to see kids and he's replied go see your lawyerso not only is he not allowing them to come back he is not allowing them to see me !! Where is the justice on that !!!
a mum - 21-Nov-15 @ 12:33 PM
In a bit of a dilemma here all the above posts are at fathers rights what about mothers rights I am in the exact same situation as Tamarman , the kids live with me full time ,every second wkend the kids go stay with their dad (which isn't a problem) but he is corrupting their little mind's,sw services comes in every time a incident arises which is mostly by him being in turbulent relationships and drug abuse , every time my kids go there they come back and are completely disrectfull to me , destroy my property try hit me wih things , I contacted my lawyer stating I think pas is part of it (parental alienation syndrom) he drives by my house constantly and on one occasion took my 12 year old daughter over to his , she is then lying to me saying she is at her friends I punish her for lying ( not with going with him) but he is at fault there as he is encouraging her to do it , on sun there when they came back from his it was the final straw as things went out of control and they were cornering my younger child as he was behaving , there father told him he was not his dad because he had a argument with his oldest child so he took it out on the youngest , I brought him over to my house to see what they are like every time they come back from his , and when he threatened my oldest child that he was going to drag her out wih the hair of the head because she didn't want to go, she then spiralled out of control behaviour wise ( I got the brunt of it ) she started battering holes in her bedroom door , and has now got a criminal charge for something else that happened in street , on sun he said he was taking them over to speak with them , this is now going on a wk later and I still don't have my children back , sw has been involved and said I can get my kids back at anytime and to take it up with my lawyer,in the wk he has had them all 3 kids stayed off school one day and he has took it upon himself to change primary and secondary school saying I have kicked them out and they are living with him through the week , which hasn't been confirmed through a court , or writtenoagreement , so all I'm saying is don't think the system is just not fair on men ,as I completelydon't understand how sw services can adviseto stop contact because of a drug relation then allow them to stay there for the week and have a argument over it in court , I have messaged him to say when am I getting g to see kids and he's replied go see your lawyerso not only is he not allowing them to come back he is not allowing them to see me !! Where is the justice on that !!!
a mum - 21-Nov-15 @ 12:32 PM
A Court Order states that currently, my children will live with their mother. There is a strike position regarding School /Schooling.
I have requested from the schools information about their educationaldevelopment in addition to the fact that they send me an annual report.
I have requested further information but have been told that only the mother can give permission for me to have access to this area of information.
There is no indication of this on the Court Order. As such why are the Schools in contravention of these Court Orders.
Also the mother has with malice a forethought committed a criminal offence by lying to the police with false allegations against me and compounding them by furthering such false allegations against me on affidavit to support a non molestation order. She lied to the Court and maintained such maliciousness even though a finding of fact, in the balance of probabilities found her allegations groundless and were not even mentioned in any Court Order . The Local Authority SS public servant perverted the course of justice by perjurying herself similarly.
My two children are being psychologically terrorised by parental alienation withchildren (x2) resting contact.
CAB told me l have no recourse as the Police knew she was lying to them originally but took no action. Do l wrote to the Office of Public Prosecutions requesting a review of this under whatever legislation is available or just believe we are living user ISIS law in the Middle East?
My family and l are horrified that a woman who has stolen the family children and family assets, perverted the course of justice and psychological enslaved the two boys into such hotility of crc against thepaternal family when prior the children knew that the family were separating and of their own volition wanted full association with their father and family. Now their lives have been detroyed by a mother who has been recognised as a closet narcissist.
What should l do? I am parentally responsible for protecting my children but currentlythe law is allowing an abuser continue to abuse two minor children.
Tamarman - 5-Sep-15 @ 8:55 AM
I took my son to the doctors and was told that he had to change doctors as he had moved house with his mum, his mum told me that he has moved surgery and that she can't think of the details, I asked her to text them to me and hours later no text, so I contacted the doctors where he was before and they told me he is still wrongly registered there and needs to move surgery, his mum is not responding to my text for his doctors, and my 9 year old sonis not registered at the address he is living at doctors surgery wise, what shall I do?
Kev - 1-Jul-15 @ 2:03 PM
@skills - you would probably be better taking this to court as she has quite obviously breached the court order and has not asked your permission. That way the court may give you permission to move back into your house and it would be official.
SarahH - 5-Mar-15 @ 12:09 PM
I have two dependent children aged 10yrs and 13yrs who currently live with my ex and her fiance in the matrimonial home.
In Dec 2014 the court ordered that the home be sold if my ex did not want to buy me out. The property is jointly mortgaged.
She has recently moved out and it seems renting the property completely ignoring the order.
Can I regain occupancy of the property as I am struggling to afford my rent as the mortgage on the matrimonial home is interest only at £125.00 pcm? and if so how?
skills - 4-Mar-15 @ 8:19 PM
The right to education information says if you are the biological father, do you also have to Parental responsibility too, or does biological father suffice? If They were named as father on birth certificate prior to 2003 does that count as parental responsibility? Thanks, helping my partner who is in this situation.
A dad - 18-Sep-13 @ 10:07 PM
Send a Template letter as on this site copy fill your own details in asap. To the Local Health authority and you are fully entitled to do this. dont think because she is stopping you.I have no rights to know about my child. Sounds like playing games and hiding things will cause her many many problems. Why do they always put a child in this situation.Fathers are as important as a mother and do not allow this person to make you feel otherwise. Good luck.
Paps - 27-Feb-13 @ 1:06 PM
Do the same rights for information about education apply to nurseries, Thanks for any help
Onz - 3-Jul-12 @ 6:21 AM
The only thing I can suggest mate is try and find a decent solicitor. It'll either give her a fright or get the ball rolling, however one way or another it's the only way to progress when they don't want to get along
Kev - 18-Apr-12 @ 7:43 PM
Has anyone got any advice on what to do if your ex is not willing to tell you which doctors surgery/school your children are registered with /got to school at. I really want to be involved but my ex is making things nearly impossible to move forward.
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