As a committed father, you want to know all about the important things in your child’s life, particularly their medical and educational information. If you don’t have main custody of your son or daughter, you might not be the initial point of contact for doctors and schools, and you may find yourself missing out on crucial information. This is a quick guide to the rights of fathers and the ways to make sure you are kept informed.
Approach Your Ex-Partner
First, however difficult it may be, you should approach the resident parent. Explain that you are interested in your child’s progress and wellbeing and that you would like to have the same information from school and doctors as they have. It will often be the easiest way to get access to documents, as your child’s mother will have all the information provided for them, and can simply forward copies on to you.
Medical Information
In an ideal world, sharing your concerns with the resident parent should solve the situation. If, however, they are unhelpful with your request, you need to know where you stand as a parent. In terms of your child’s health, you should contact the doctor’s practice directly, explaining that you are a parent who has the right to your child’s health information. The surgery may ask you to provide proof of your Parental Responsibility. Do not be offended by this, it is routine for doctors to ensure that patient records are confidential, but they must also make sure that information is provided to those who are entitled to it. (See Writing to Your Child's School or GP for Information: A Template on this site.)
If They Refuse
If you are refused the information, ask the practitioner for information on how to make a complaint, or speak to the General Practice Manager. You can go one step further and speak to the Health Authority or the Information Commissioner, if you need access to your child’s medical records.
In some cases, your child may be moved from one doctor’s practice to another, and if this is the case, and you are unaware of the location of the new practice, you can write to the Area Health Authority, with proof of your Parental Responsibility, and they will inform you as to the new practice details. At this point, you must contact the new practice yourself as described above.
Schools and Education
The Department for Education and Employment has clarified that the parent with whom the child does not normally live is entitled (unless restricted by the Court) to the same rights as the parent with whom the child lives under issues relating to the Education Act. This means that as a parent, you have the same rights to information that the resident parent has.
Under education legislation, if you are the natural parent or have been granted parental responsibility, you are within your rights to receive information regarding your child’s schooling. It is essential that you make sure that the school has your address and knows that you want the same information sent to both parents.
Letting them Know
To ensure the school knows that you want information and that you are entitled to it, contact your child’s school in a pleasant but firm manner. Explain that you, as a parent, are entitled to the same information to be sent home to you as well as the child’s mother. Put this request in writing, with enclosed proof that you are the child’s father. Be prepared for more questions, as schools and doctors have a duty of care to protect the child. If you have no court ruling denying you access to the child, you are legally entitled to the information.
If the School is Unwilling
In some cases, schools will be less willing to allow information to be sent to the non-resident parent. If this is the case, contact the Local Education Authority (your local council will give you the details), citing the guidance from the Department of Education and Employment. Explain the fact that you have no Court Judgment against you but you are not being afforded your parental rights. They should help you to receive the school information in the same way that the resident parent does.
School Selection
School selection is not as straightforward as the resident parent ‘choosing’ their preferred school. It all depends on the catchment area of where the child resides. If speaking with the resident parent has not made a difference and you believe that your child’s wellbeing will be affected by attending a certain school, then you can apply for a Specific Order Issue.
Specific Issue Order
If you find that, with the school or general practitioner, you are meeting obstacles which deny your parental rights, you can apply for a Specific Issue Order if:
You want an Order relating to specific issues of how your child is being looked after by the other parent
You cannot reach an agreement with the other parent
You fear for the general wellbeing of your child
This is a last resort, as legal battles can be lengthy, stressful and put further strain on the whole family, including your child.
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Hi I don’t know if anyone has had this issue them selves but my daughter (5) lives with her mother and I have been asking for months for a school report to which she just kept saying my daughter is moving school soon. Finally after months of asking I finally got the name of the school she goes to so I contacted the school directly for a school report which shows that since January when my daughter started at the school her attendance is at 53.4%.
To which I am concerned about her poor attendance and this affecting her education.
There is a court order in place where I have my daughter every other weekend.
Now I am looking for advice as to if I should take this back to courtas I don’t have contact myself with her mother it is all through my brother in law. And asking the courts for my daughter to live with me full time. (Or just during term time and with her mother during school holidays) so I can ensure that she is going to school and getting the education she needs. And if the school would be able to support my application also.
Concerned - 20-Oct-23 @ 7:01 AM
My 13 year old daughters school attendance is becoming very poor. Seems like my ex wife isn’t too worried seeing she’s not sending her to school. Every Monday she is having off by the looks of it. Can’t say anything to the ex as she will just kick off and just not worth it. She is also leaving the house to go to work and leaving her alone. Who can I talk too? As this isn’t great at all.
Deano - 26-Jun-23 @ 9:43 AM
Child is 16. We have no contact.I do I find out which college they attend & how they are doing? That's if they are even attending college
Lou - 29-Jan-23 @ 10:05 AM
The information here regarding being entitled to your child's medical records is incorrect. You will find that only up to a certain age will either parent be able to Access their child's medical records. Once a child reaches age 13 , the parents don't have access to their child's medical records without the child's consent.
Jon - 23-Jan-23 @ 9:54 PM
My son is in a football team which has a WhatsApp group I have asked to be included but my ex has told them no what can I do about this to be kept informed of my sons matches and training sessions
Dev - 14-Jul-22 @ 1:03 AM
Please help I have to daughter's that are both under the age of 16, my ex will only let me see them for a few hours on Sunday and that's it. But she is going out for a night out and I've asked her who is looking after them. She is refusing to tell me. Do I have the right to know. And I'm worried about her leaving them on there own all night. So please help. Thank you
Father - 30-Apr-22 @ 12:22 PM
@tomto,like( I know I'm never going to see my daughter ever again) .but atleast I have a couple off (memories) .(everything happens for a reason and it must off been meant to be this way ).with time frame I dont want to (see her now anyway gods truth ) its been to long and I personally believe its better not to meet now so yeah I'm signing out .goodluck to all the other dads out there with younger children .
Truth - 23-Mar-22 @ 2:46 AM
@TOMTO,The last time I seen the girl she was 5 ,so in reality I could walk past the girl on the street and wouldn't even recognise her now she still little girl in my head .but thats life and it was normal for guys in my age bracket. I read sites like theses and the younger guys seem to have way more involvement with there children .
Truth - 23-Mar-22 @ 1:40 AM
@tomto,I was only 22 when my daughter was born I didn't have clue what I was doing or know anything about been dad .my mindset back then was still into nightclubs drinking with mates .I do have one memory it was on a Saturday and itwas just me and my daughter at home and she started to cry and I couldn't get her to stop crying I thought she must be hurt or sick so I called my nanso I put her in the car and drove to my nan's house my nan come out and pick up my daughter and I was shocked and thought wow it must be the motherly touch my daughter stop crying I was glad I was worried I didn't know what was wrong with her .so I spent the Saturday at my nan's house she sorted the her out with burping feeding changing nappies putting gel stuff on my daughter gums ,wow that's life time ago now my daughter is 18 this year .(still a good memory off my two favourite girls .).
Truth - 23-Mar-22 @ 1:11 AM
I did a foi request and communicated with the council and they put in writing a refusal to share with me the school my 12 year old daughter moved to. I now know but it took time and wasn't from them. Can I sue them and how?
Thank you.
Tomto - 22-Mar-22 @ 11:13 PM
Hi. I haven’t seen my children in 7 months - no Court order in place just estranged wife does not want me to see the children. I’ve had a meeting with CAFCASS and final hearing on 3/12. I have 2 daughters - 12 and 14 - and a son aged 16 yesterday. All three children do not want me to have access to their medical records and have written to their GP saying this - they’ve all been referred for testing for an inherited potentially life-limiting illness which would have come from their Mother’s line. Can the surgery and school withhold information regarding their health and the reason their attendance at school is 65% and below? Under Education Act 96 as someone with parental responsibility I could be in trouble for the children not attending school but I don’t know what’s going on. Thank you
TheKidsDad - 11-Nov-21 @ 3:06 PM
I was forced to sell our family home during the 2 lockdowns. I am 62 adopted a girl aged 11 months from China with my ex 9 years ago. My judge said I brought these consequences to myself by asking for a divorce from my ex who had received a non Molestation and Occupancy order.I acquired all my assets before I met my ex and due to the criteria needed for adoption we got married and I shared with him my home because he assured me he would not want to touch my assets. I trusted him because he was well educated a doctor and hard working and seemed decent. So the consequences is I am the primary carer ie can’t take a full time job, had to pay out over 1/2 a million to my ex and can’t even move her to a school near me which is a better school and has more prospects to a good secondary school. I wonder what’s the family doing without considering Mum’s and daughters feelings and the catastrophic changes made for the existing life of a family unit of a single Mum. I was depressed and suffered from panic attacks and back and legs pain due to stress but no one cares. No I had to sell my family home of 26 years moving to a single bedroom flat to pay off my ex. he pays a minimal maintenance which does not match anything like before plus I have to pay my own mortgage after letting him lived in my home for almost free for 16 years. Is that really a fair trail? Daughter is not happy to go to see her father at all I had to persuade and force her to speak with him. Not a happy life how to be a Mum it be myself the law have put me in this not me. I am a loving Mum
Lan - 29-Sep-21 @ 7:39 AM
Very lucky in as much that I have custody of my 16 year old son. Due to her 3 year affair he wants nothing to do with her - he gets his GCSE results on Wed and does not wish her to know them. I'm guessing we arent able to stop this?
any advice welcomed...
SingleDad - 9-Aug-21 @ 10:26 AM
Do these rights to knowing your child's education for a non-resident parent apply to further education, too?
I've been trying to find out what exact course and level my 19-year old daughter is doing and all I've come across so far is brick walls. The College that I 100% knew she was at until late June 2021 have ignored all my letters and emails so far....
Rich R - 4-Aug-21 @ 11:55 PM
My daughter’s mum and I have split, we don’t see eye to eye, making contact very difficult.
I have parental responsibility and am in contact with her school.
My question is this: Can the school notify my daughters mum I’ve done this? Or is it in breach of privacy laws?
Dodge - 6-Jun-21 @ 4:30 PM
Father 8 year old son
Mum is now
Scooping but I’m not convinced he is getting a good education from her and I’m really worried
Huntet - 20-May-21 @ 9:31 PM
In the part that's titled Letting them know. It states that if there is NO court order in place obstructing contact with your children then you have a right to all schooling info. Can someone please tell me what applies if the courts have ruled NO contact either direct or indirect please.
Thank you.
Sam1 - 6-May-21 @ 2:08 PM
If I don't want my ex-partner down as emergency contact at my childs school, because he lives too far away and cant drive. Is that allowed as ive got my Parents down as emergency contack as they live a 5 minute walk from the school
Kevcov - 3-May-21 @ 10:00 AM
Hi guys hope you can give me some male prospective on this please. My ex and I share a 9 year old son he has him every other weekend and one day every week. He can call and chat with our son whenever he wishes. He sees him for birthday Christmas etc.. The issue is communication he will take our son for over night visits to other people's houses which our son was told to not tell mom. Our son suffers from seizures under the hospital for this due to a disability that is causing it. I have explained I am worried I do not know where he is when he has him and I worry if something should happen I won't know. He has told me he will tell me if this happens, but he has kept me in the dark over many other things? Any advice would be helpful I just want to know that our son is OK?
Jaz - 2-Mar-21 @ 6:42 AM
Hi Dave,
Do you happen to have a template of the letter you sent to all the schools with in the catchment area requesting to find out wether your children are attending there school or not as if honest I need as much help as possible and want to make sure I put everything I need to in the letter? Any help would be much appreciated
Sam - 22-Dec-20 @ 12:35 AM
Sam, this happened to me but for primary school. My son's mother lied about his placement, giving a different school. It wasn't until I contacted the school did I find out that he wasn't going to be attending. I then had to contact all the schools within the catchment area, providing the court order that showed I had parental responsibility, to establish which school he was attending. I finally found out a week or so later. As embarrassing as it is I would suggest you email all the likely schools or the local council to find out which school your child is attending. They, by law, have to tell you which school they are placed in. It will be highly embarrassing for you ex when they realise she is lying or denying you information you are entitled to.
Dave - 2-Nov-20 @ 1:28 PM
What happens if you don't know what school your child goes to? My little lad has just moved up to secondary school, and my ex' wife is ignoring my requests for an update on which school he goes to - this means that I don't even know which school to approach.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you.Sam
Sam - 27-Oct-20 @ 6:24 PM
Do I have a right to know who lives in the same home as my child?
I have parental responsibility and a court order and I have contact with my son every other weekend.He is 5yrs old.
For quite some time now my son has been mentioning another person/partner living with them. He speaks freely around us and is never questioned or 'shushed'. Sometimes he suddenly stops talking like he's been told not to say anything.
I have asked my ex if there is another person living with them or of our son is regularly left with another person. She told me no but even if there was it is not my business.
Is she right? Do I have a right to know who our child is left with while she is at work and who is living at their address and around our child?
JellyBean - 22-Oct-20 @ 10:10 AM
My daughters mother has a new partner for the past six months. My daughter who is almost 5 has expressed that he provides care to her (including personal care like showers her and helps her to sleep). However my daughters also expressed recently that he shouts at her and at times her mum's at work and she's alone with him. To date, I've only know his first name and no other information. Do I have the right to ask my daughters mum for more details about her new partner? What information can I ask? I need to have facts and proof put together to take matters further about her partner shouting at my daughter. Is there any advice you give me on that please?
Kind regards,
Singh - 4-Oct-20 @ 8:42 AM
@scoobie.the guys in my family and a few mates of mine all see there children on the weekends sum have them full time and go on holidays together.and they all ask me if i see my daughter and I say no I haven’t seen her sense the day she left with her mother 11 years ago because I had orders on me and wasn’t allowed to see her .and they say does it bother you .and I say yeah there is a part that does put this was the hand I was dealt and there are two ways to deal with it either curl up in a ball and feel sorry for yourself or you pick yourself up and get on with your own life .and i said to them I know I will die and never get to meet her 100 is what is .the older I get and the more I think about the situation I am not even sure anymore If i am the (bio father) I mean that .i don’t no want to say to these people who ask these bloody questions i just wish I never meet her (mother) and then I would never get ask these (awkward questions) .all I say to them is that you guys are good dads and better men then me .now please don’t ever mention this topic again to me please .i know I am disliked over it but its the only way I can deal with the situation.Other wise i f ing lose it big time and there will be a massive brawl and things will swirl out of control and I will be in handcuffs.the girl is 16 now if she wants to meet me she would contact me but she doesn’t that speaks volumes to me and g8 es me all the answers i need .
Chriso - 6-Jul-20 @ 6:50 PM
@scoobie.the guys in my family and a few mates of mine all see there children on the weekends sum have them full time and go on holidays together.and they all ask me if i see my daughter and I say no I haven’t seen her sense the day she left with her mother 11 years ago because I had orders on me and wasn’t allowed to see her .and they say does it bother you .and I say yeah there is a part that does put this was the hand I was dealt and there are two ways to deal with it either curl up in a ball and feel sorry for yourself or you pick yourself up and get on with your own life .and i said to them I know I will die and never get to meet her 100 is what is .the older I get and the more I think about the situation I am not even sure anymore If i am the (bio father) I mean that .i don’t no want to say to these people who ask these bloody questions i just wish I never meet her (mother) and then I would never get ask these (awkward questions) .all I say to them is that you guys are good dads and better men then me .now please don’t ever mention this topic again to me please .i know I am disliked over it but its the only way I can deal with the situation.Other wise i f ing lose it big time and there will be a massive brawl and things will swirl out of control and I will be in handcuffs.the girl is 16 now if she wants to meet me she would contact me but she doesn’t that speaks volumes to me and g8 es me all the answers i need .
Chriso - 6-Jul-20 @ 6:36 PM
@scoobie.the guys in my family and a few mates of mine all see there children on the weekends sum have them full time and go on holidays together.and they all ask me if i see my daughter and I say no I haven’t seen her sense the day she left with her mother 11 years ago because I had orders on me and wasn’t allowed to see her .and they say does it bother you .and I say yeah there is a part that does put this was the hand I was dealt and there are two ways to deal with it either curl up in a ball and feel sorry for yourself or you pick yourself up and get on with your own life .and i said to them I know I will die and never get to meet her 100 is what is .the older I get and the more I think about the situation I am not even sure anymore If i am the (bio father) I mean that .i don’t no want to say to these people who ask these bloody questions i just wish I never meet her (mother) and then I would never get ask these (awkward questions) .all I say to them is that you guys are good dads and better men then me .now please don’t ever mention this topic again to me please .i know I am disliked over it but its the only way I can deal with the situation.Other wise i f ing lose it big time and there will be a massive brawl and things will swirl out of control and I will be in handcuffs.the girl is 16 now if she wants to meet me she would contact me but she doesn’t that speaks volumes to me and g8 es me all the answers i need .
Chriso - 6-Jul-20 @ 6:31 PM
My ex partner has previously taken my son and half siblings away on 2 long weekends and a weeks holiday and continually refuses to provide details of them or ask for my permission. In fact, once i managed to get her to tell me, gave my permission and then she changed the destination at the last minute so it was to late to agree/disagree. She repeatedly states that as she is primary carer she doesn't have to tell me anything. There are no court orders, no parenting plans that she will agree to and on two occasions she has said she is going to take them on holiday abroad and i can't do anything about it and that if i want to try and stop it i would be upsetting the children and that is my test. The problem i have is because she wont ask me or provide details, i don't know whether she is staying somewhere in the uk or going abroad. She has disrupted my parenting time with the holidays without regard for make up time and even if she does offer make up time, it has to suit her, its never my choice or agreement. She dictates. where do i stand legally with this situation and holidays in uk and abroad? thank you
scoobie - 6-Jul-20 @ 12:07 PM
I've been told by my ex that our son had surgery on a tumour, and has self-harmed. Do i have a right to know details about this. Help please.
tez - 20-Apr-20 @ 4:13 PM
Can please some put me in the right direction of son mother will not tellme what school my son attends.i need to know how he progress is etc
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