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Being Falsely Accused of Child Abuse

By: Lorna Elliott LLB (hons), Barrister - Updated: 14 Jun 2023 |
Accused Child Abuse Social Services

If you are accused of child abuse, whether sexual or violent in nature, or abuse that is supposed to have occurred in front of your children, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a ‘visit’ from Social Services, which may seem casual and friendly but is actually recorded on a computer and remains on a social services file indefinitely.

If Social Services decide not to do anything about it, there will be ‘no action taken’. It is well worth checking what is on the file in these circumstances to make sure that what has been recorded is accurate. You are unlikely to get an apology or thanks for your cooperation.

Further Action

If Social Services decide that they need to take further action, they can hold a ‘core assessment’ meeting where they can direct you to do certain things as a parent. Your child could be put on the ‘at risk’ register. If this happens, it could be that your authority over your child’s welfare may be shared with Social Services, or your child could be taken into care, or adopted into another family.

Your Child’s File

Whatever information is on file about your child, it can be seen by medical professionals, health visitors, teachers and school staff, housing authorities, police, public and some voluntary workers who have contact with children, and youth workers. That is why it is important to ensure that whatever is recorded is correct.

The Meeting With Social Services

Although this is often sold to people as ‘a little chat’, you should NOT treat it as such. Make sure you bring someone with you who you know and trust as a witness, and make sure you tape record the meeting. Ask everyone there whether they have any objection to you recording the meeting – they should not. Use a ‘conference microphone’ so that you get a clear definition of what everyone says. If you know what the meeting is going to be about, bring any documentation that you think will help. No matter how nice they are to you, remember they are there to do a job – which is to see whether you are an unfit parent or not. They are not paid to be kind to you.

The Good News

As public bodies are terrified of being lambasted in the media, they can have a tendency to over-react to any kind of concern expressed over a child’s welfare. There does not have to be strong evidence in order to trigger a referral to Social Services. Sometimes it is simply an opinion, a suspicion, or an impression that a public employee has, although there are rules and concerns must be ‘evidence based.’

Although this might seem shocking, a considerable number of referrals to Social Services are not investigated at all because they are deemed to be without merit. Although figures vary between local authorities, those that are not investigated at all amount to around 55% of all referrals. If there is genuinely nothing wrong, and the referral has been made mistakenly, or maliciously, just make sure you take the precautions described above. Act professionally, tell the truth and make sure that you do not say anything even in jest that could be misinterpreted.

False accusations are not uncommon where one partner is looking for ways to 'punish' the other. It's not always accusations of child abuse either...often an ex will falsely accuse you of domestic violence or even rape. Our articles:
Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Abuse
Being Falsely Accused of Rape
offer some advice about what to do in those situations.

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Ha ha ha heartbroken lost and angry for myself it was freedom happiness and I truly found myself that’s the way I interpreted it anyway .I guess in my situation I never loved her and found children As a burden .that women never new who I was in the first place .
C laurie - 14-Jun-23 @ 7:12 AM
My ex left 2.5 years ago. Leaving our 3.5 year in my care. I had him for 5 days out if 7, then dropped that to 4 out of 7. This has been the status quo up and until last week. She now lives with ex best friend of 30 plus years and ex business partner, in a high 6 bedroom house in the county. It's been a crappy divorce! As They also did me out of money from the xompa y we sold! I went to Collect my son from school only to be told he was off sick. I called her nothing! She has now accused me of sexual abuse and cut off all access to my son! I understand the need for child safeguarding but this in insane. I've been his primary carer for 2.5 years! No contact. How on earth can she get away with this!!! Heartbroken lost and angry!
COLLY - 13-Jun-23 @ 7:11 PM
My wife has laid false charges against me for child abuse & rape.Iam in a living hell but to all the Farthers out there going through the same sort of thing.You have to be strong,not for yourself but for you kids,they are the ones who suffer the most.I wish you all the support in the world.We will all get through this,there will be light at the the tunnel ??
Gavster - 7-Jun-23 @ 12:01 PM
My daughter ex partner is aunty a socailworker him and his aunt's waited out side school.they stopped my daughter from picking her children up because her ex false allegations against her now he got the children it wasall lies he even took the children to her house the children said to the mum I don't love you anymore wile he was waiting outside in the car he videos them the children saying we don't want to come home I don't know what to do it all lies
Sh - 16-Apr-23 @ 3:05 PM
Do yous have an office in Scotland? I need to speak to someone about Scots law.
What - 3-Feb-23 @ 1:34 AM
I have been accused of "child abuse" by the local law enforcement community. I have been a single father (full-time) for that last two years. No participation from the mother and her family, no money, no help. My son was literally 2 weeks from turning 18 when the incident happened. We got into an argument concerning his school work, he attacked me (pushed me over a recliner causing me to bust my head). After attacking me, he went outside and called the police when I refused to let him back in till he calmed down. Police came, I gave them zero info and was not co-operative (didn't want either me or my son to go to jail over a simple argument.) Police arrest me, charged with child abuse. Lost my job and haven't been able to communicate with my son since this happened, it's been nearly a year so far doing court dates and etc. I chose to go to trial because I have not and did not abuse my son. My son turned 18 2 weeks after this incident, and now NOBODY knows where he is. Court cannot locate him , they have tried to subpeona him twice and cannot locate him. So, from my point of view, I am a hardworking single father , who was receiving no support and was doing well with my son. We got into an argument because he wanted to quite school on his last half of his senior year. He got angry, shoved me , I fell over the recliner and busted my head. I was the one ground when he was over me, I pushed hime off of me, he ran outside , I kicked the apartment door. He called the police and they did what they did. Now, we have an 18 year old boy who nobody knows where he is at , that didn't complete those last classes. How did the law enforcement or courts adhesive justice? Who have they helped? How did the community benefit from bringing these charges?
SleepNotMuchIII - 24-Jul-22 @ 11:20 PM
After reading your post makes you think how people could accused you off terrible things .next month I'm off to Cape York its on my bucket list .I have a 18 year old daughter I dont have any contact but if I did I would off ask her if she wanted to come on this 2 week trip .it's a iconic trip would be gnarly sharing a beer bye camp fire on the Jardine River .probably smarter not to after reading your post .they could take something fun and turn it into a nightmare. That's why I'm a single men .
Truth - 11-Jun-22 @ 12:34 AM
Like Rick I have just been made aware that my previous partner hasmade allegations about meof sexual abuse towards my son I only found out a week and a half ago coincidentally she made these allegations a little over a week after she found out I was in a new relationship as I had been single for the previous 8mths social worker has made her findings clear and believed my son is being coerced and pressured into saying things (has apparently made declarations to his mum only) if anyone has any guidance as I believe this is gonna be a long process or agency’s who can help me take back control of my life as she stilleven after a year of separation manages to make my life a misery, am totally lost that anyone can make up such disgusting lies.
Footjoy1 - 10-Jun-22 @ 6:00 PM
I’ve just been awarded 50/50 custody of my 6 yo daughter, 18 months after my ex made a false allegation of sexual abuse against my little girl. It’s been a horrendous journey, but by being calm, honest and always believing that the truth would come out, the decision by the police, Cafcass and the family court to dismiss the allegations to give me 50/50 custody is proof (as much as it can be) of my innocence and my suitability as a good parent. Guys - be strong. It’s a long process and at times can feel completely unfair - but if you’ve done nothing wrong and you’re a good parent, I believe that the truth will come out… and you’ll get your kid(s) back in your life. I must mention though, that even though all of the evidence points to my innocence - there is still a stigma that lingers. Sometimes it’s folks believing ‘there’s no smoke without fire’, and sometimes I think the sideways glances are just in my head - but I’ll deal with that - I have to stay positive for my little girl. It’s not fair that mum’s get away with making these claims, but when my little girl grows up, I’ll tell her the truth about what her mum did - then she can decide if she wants a mother like that in her life.
Rick - 15-May-22 @ 10:34 PM
My step daughter has recently accused me of been pervy, i have been in her life for 8 years now, see her as my own daughter. Her mam believes that i have not done such a thing, but we have had to call it a day through fear of what might be said. I'm not ready to give up on us after all its been 8 years of our life together for something like this to be said is pretty disturbing. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this and could give advice.
sk - 2-Sep-21 @ 4:57 PM
Hi this is my first time sharing my story. I have a 10year old son whom I have shared parenting order until he is 18. Everything is okay with my contact but I went to court twice once when my son was a baby and when he was 7. Both occasion I was faced wil malicious allegations that are baseless and it was intended to defame my character and malicious allegation to stop contact with my son. Me and my ex separated when my son was around d 3 months old. Both court cases I won amd got my joint residency order. Second time my ex stopped the order and breached the order so I had to do an enforcement order. Then it went I to fact finding case and a lot of money went ther to clear my name from absurd and malicious allegations that one will laugh. I am a teacher by trade and I work with children so I have a clean CRB and my ex is out there to hurt me by now getting my son to call the NSPCC and social servise and teachers and falsely making allegations that I am abuse g him emotionally. Social servise are loving this and made a child protection plan. This is all so bizarre and I told them my ex does is using my son to go against me and making up allegation to stop ot make my co tact difficult. She is doing g that as she is jealous that I got married and have 2 more children of my own and she cannot see us being happy with my son mixing with his step siblings amd my wife. Anyway now social servise said g my son disclosed that I shout at him and tell him off and use f words and that he is scared to come home to me when it is my weekend. Now I don't k ow what to to as I have him againthis week for a week as we share term holidays. Social servise wrote me a letter that he is petrified to see me and my son does not wish to see me he will only text me from his mother's phone (my ex will tect pretend ding to be my son) but I have a court order in place. Can social aervise stop my contact without any new court application? Please advise. If I get my son I am scared that he will make up more allegations agaist me and my other children and I don't know what to do.
Ifte - 23-Aug-21 @ 12:48 AM
my wife left my daughter and me for another man, i took care my daughter aged 10, mother seeing her every second weekend, after a year she applied for divorce no problem, but she was told if she had her daughter she could get a lot bigger settlement, we fought via the court, cafcass on my side with 75% in my favour, that did not suit her she tried everything false statements to the powers and to courts nothing worked, a morning of the final hearing in court she produced a photo of a mark on my daughters upper arm, saying it was from grabbing and shaking her, i knew what the mark was it was a habit she had of comfort sucking, on the circular mark you could even faintly see the teeth marks, but the court had no alternative but to suspend the hearing yet again, 3 days later i was arrested for child abuse and bailed for 3 months, after that came to an end bailed again for 3 months, during this time i was forbidden any contact with my daughter, after the 6 months no action taken against me, BUT she had already been to court and they gave her full custody and closed the case file,without consulting with me in any way, that was more than 4 years ago, i have not seen my daughter all that time, mother and new boyfriend moved away address unknown, i am not sure as my daughter gave statements saying it happened if the mother was complicit or if it was just my daughters idea, why would she say those things against her father she know loved her so much?, she has torn my heart out, i will never recover
tony - 23-Feb-21 @ 10:18 AM
I’m being accused of rape, perversion and violence to an x girlfriend From 20 years ago when she was underage.we were a couple for 2 years while she was in college but she told the police she didn’t know how to leave me. She’s lying, I don’t know why She’s doing this and it’s killing me. I’m older than her and the police say that I shouldn’t have been with her but why, she was of legal age. We where a couple. She has reported me to the Irish police and all my family have been questioned about me when I was young. I now live in Canada with my wife and we are worried sick. I’m crying everyday. I can’t do the simplest things. My wife is in bits. I keep thinking the worst, been sent back to Ireland and been found guilty. I’m thinking of killing myself as I keep thinking I’ll be taken away from my wife and life in Canada and if I’m going to lose everything then I lose everything on my terms. I’m not coping well with this as you can see. I’m not guilty of anything but the police are taking what she has accused me of very serious.
Gaz - 5-Sep-20 @ 9:50 PM
I'm accused in schedule 2 report by cafcass that, I'm a porn addict, I pinch my children, I use inappropriate language and walk around naked. Section 7 has been ordered without facts finding. What is the likelyhood of an outcome since I applied for shared care as a result of covid19 but these lies came up after the application? I'm a litigant in person. Any legal expert here please?
Goodman - 3-Sep-20 @ 11:58 AM
My girlfriend thinks that I’m hurting her 2 year old daughter because of something she said that her mom misunderstood and cops were called and cps became involved when the officer asked me what had happen I told him the truth and that what my gf had heard was either misinterpreted for her daughter was trying to say something and what she had said was wrong the officer took my statement said that you’re really calm for being accused of doing something like that and I said well I’m calm because I know that I didn’t do that and the Lord knows that I didn’t do that so I have no reason to be worried because of worried shows guilt so I’m not worried about it because I know I didn’t do anything. But now every time that my girlfriends daughter is alone with me for just a second her mother flipped out and starts throwing accusations out that I am hurting her daughter or I am beating her daughter I am hitting her daughter I mean just like this morning Her daughter got up came and woke me up asked me to make her breakfast I went and tried to wake up my girlfriend she told me to go make her breakfast does not to F with her so I took my phone up and I started recording for whenever I left the room but my girlfriend swears up and down because Her daughter has a scratch on her back she thinks that I harmed her daughter while she was asleep even though I’ve been recorded the whole thing and I did not touch her harm or anything like that but now her mother is already accuse me Going out to her car while her and her daughter are in the car and hurting her daughter wow her mother is in the car right there with her watching me steal said that i hurt her daughter What’s the strap to the course even though her daughter was in the car seat doors were shut and I can came outside but her daughter which is to send it I came outside and open the door and hurt her with a strap on her car seat keep in mind I was recording on my phone I was washing the dishes while they were still outside so my question is what do I need to do or ask what actions do I need to take Because my girlfriend has got it imprinted in her head that anytime any chance if I’m alone with her daughter Eva that I am intentionally harming her or hurting her because of what she said that I did that I know that I didn’t do and I just took it with a grain of salt what her daughter said. but she is bound and Determined that any little bump scratch bruise red mark is caused by me because she thinks I hold resentment towards her daughter What legal actions do I need to get ready to take
Ruffneck0297 - 30-Aug-20 @ 12:57 AM
My girlfriend thinks that I’m hurting her 2 year old daughter because of something she said that her mom misunderstood and cops were called and cps became involved when the officer asked me what had happen I told him the truth and that what my gf had heard was either misinterpreted for her daughter was trying to say something and what she had said was wrong the officer took my statement said that you’re really calm for being accused of doing something like that and I said well I’m calm because I know that I didn’t do that and the Lord knows that I didn’t do that so I have no reason to be worried because of worried shows guilt so I’m not worried about it because I know I didn’t do anything. But now every time that my girlfriends daughter is alone with me for just a second her mother flipped out and starts throwing accusations out that I am hurting her daughter or I am beating her daughter I am hitting her daughter I mean just like this morning Her daughter got up came and woke me up asked me to make her breakfast I went and tried to wake up my girlfriend she told me to go make her breakfast does not to F with her so I took my phone up and I started recording for whenever I left the room but my girlfriend swears up and down because Her daughter has a scratch on her back she thinks that I harmed her daughter while she was asleep even though I’ve been recorded the whole thing and I did not touch her harm or anything like that but now her mother is already accuse me Going out to her car while her and her daughter are in the car and hurting her daughter wow her mother is in the car right there with her watching me steal said that i hurt her daughter What’s the strap to the course even though her daughter was in the car seat doors were shut and I can came outside but her daughter which is to send it I came outside and open the door and hurt her with a strap on her car seat keep in mind I was recording on my phone I was washing the dishes while they were still outside so my question is what do I need to do or ask what actions do I need to take Because my girlfriend has got it imprinted in her head that anytime any chance if I’m alone with her daughter Eva that I am intentionally harming her or hurting her because of what she said that I did that I know that I didn’t do and I just took it with a grain of salt what her daughter said. but she is bound and Determined that any little bump scratch bruise red mark is caused by me because she thinks I hold resentment towards her daughter What legal actions do I need to get ready to take
Ruffneck0297 - 30-Aug-20 @ 12:57 AM
My daughter's mom and I broke up I Served her Custody paperwork the next day she got a lawyer the day after her lawyer called social services and said that I touched my daughter 2 years there's no specific date,I was living with my ex girlfriend at the time who knows for a fact this didn't happen and I have to go to court now for something I can't even prove because I don't have a date or time and I haven't seen my daughter in almost 2 years because of it I have a lawyer but everything is so drawn out it's driving me crazy right now. My daughter has said in interviews she doesn't remember anything like this happening.
beatendown - 28-Aug-20 @ 8:56 AM
Hello. My husband not living with me from 26.6. 2020. After we separated he had psychological problems. he wanted to commit suicide. But I stopped him. Then, after , he come to visit his son on my house every week. But this option not good for me and for him also bad for my son. So I sayd stop come to my house. You can see with your son in children centre or we can go to Court. but he contact social service and sayd there I beat my son. Not true what he sazd there. My son has autism and sometimes he falls on floor and he knows it. Doctors know about it. I explain it everything to social worker and everything was ok. But my husband still text me messages I beat my son. What I can to do.. He has psychological problems and not true what he sayd about me everywhere /any false occusation..Thank you
dedenini - 26-Aug-20 @ 4:24 PM
@Zach.i feel for you dads out there now with this pandemic even more so if live in different states or borders .i don't no how in the hell you guys are ever going to see your children. I am glad my child is a adult don't have to worry about that stuff.
Christopher - 13-Aug-20 @ 2:38 AM
@Zach.then I was given another 6 months probation on top of my 18 months probation for failing to apply with judges order about doing courses .so yeah my changes of seeing my daughter where gone in a snap of a finger just like that .so you dads out there just starting this process don't do what I did .you have to play bye there rules .
Christopher - 13-Aug-20 @ 2:02 AM
@Zach.well I haven't seen my daughter sence she was 5 she is now 17 .i was going to takethe court route years ago but Iwas on orders and placed on 18 months probation and made to complete courses before applying for visitation the honest truth is I never complete the courses and told my probation officer I am not doing them . so he reported me I faced court the judge told me do the courses or you will never see your daughter again my solicitor said to judge he refuses to do courses and the judge said well Mr laurie I should lock you up my solicitor said he willing to get locked up instead off doing courses. The judge didn't lock me up but said if you ever try to go though the courts to see your daughter it will be denied are we clear .what I just said here is the gods truth .
Christopher - 13-Aug-20 @ 12:33 AM
My daughter was taken due to false allegations. My ex claimed I am too rough with her and I caused her unexplained fractures. I have hired a medical expert witness and they reviewed my daughters chart and have diagnosed her with a rare condition. I have not got to go before a judge yet but my attorney turned over this information to the police and to CPS but we have not heard a word it has been almost 2 weeks. It is so wrong how they can use false information and inaccurate medical reviews to just take someone's child away. I have not seen my daughter for 4 months now. They allowed her to be taken out of the state. I am spending every dollar I have to fight.
Zach - 12-Aug-20 @ 7:37 PM
Hey I'm new to all of this,in a short story I've been married 12 years,2020 in 2019 I had a affair due to stress work blaming it all on the wife , we have 2 kids togetherand she had 3 of her own the girl was 2 and boys 4 and 5 I think i raised all 5 kids , the affair lasted 2mths then i was back with wife ,had threats of the 15year old girl wishing i was dead ect now 17mths clean of drugs and alcohol, her and the mom had a bust up and was told she couldt come home as i was sheildedso was sent to her aunts,then 5 days ago hermom took her some clothes and guessing had a chat , then out of the blue i was arrested in front of my 7year old a 10 year old son , the step daughteraccused me of kissing her inappropriate and making her take her towel off ,that all she said she can remember1st she said she was 14 then second interview said she may of been 12 , but cant remembermy solicitor says the story is very fishy and smells made up due to story's adding up , so I been arrested and bailed not allowed to my house or on the rd not allowed to speak to her or daughter, and can be with kids unsupervised, I'm truly broken , I have msgs of daughter step , saying they have back up plan and daughter wishing I was dead ,and lots of other texts from when I had affair but since then the last 12 mths have been perfectbut mum kicked daughter out ,then took clothes now this happens ican only speak to kids through text social services say :( someone help )
Dale burton - 2-Jul-20 @ 1:30 AM
I’m a father of 2 boys and 1 girl my gf has 2 girls. Her oldest daughter of 5 has falsely accused me of touching her inappropriately because she was mad that she isn’t getting the time she deserves like the other kids what do I need to do to not go to jail over a lye from a 5 year old
Ruffneck0297 - 20-Jun-20 @ 5:53 AM
Not all woman are vicious and for everyfather going through the false accusation hell there is a grandmother going through it with him. My son ran out of money and now self represents in court.Familiesneed Fathers is full of non residential parents enduring the same emotionaland financial hell in pursuit of a basic human right.Solicitorsin general tutorthe residentialparent on how to minimise or extinguish contact. Lottery funding has been pulled for contact centres in Scotland which is a lifeline in maintaining contactduring court proceedings.
Weemarie - 8-Feb-20 @ 5:35 AM
@daddy1976.i have no wealth I am a (peasant) I live hand to mouth .but I am differently (not broken) .people think I am broken because i didn’t want to be with the child’s mother (I f ing hate cheaters) that’s why I didn’t want to be with her ..I don’t care what she (looks like) gods truth she is (ugly deceitful toad )in my book.and i don’t no if I have been accused off abuse violence or inappropriate behaviour I cant see how I have no (contact) .but wouldn’t put it past her .there will be (no trouble) all they got to do is (leave me alone) .they don’t then there will be trouble and will see some violence .
Chris - 4-Feb-20 @ 10:55 PM
Women are vicious when a relationship go’s sour. All the laws made in 80’s and 90´s are now a weapon to weaken men. Nobody cares about the mental well being of a loving father and all we are turned into is a cash machine. I been accused of violence, erotically kissing my daughter and many other things. I was so scared to go court that I stupidly agreed on the ridiculous amount of child support I have to pay just because I wanted to see my daughter. ISold my businesses as I was mentally broken from all the endless fighting and knowing I would get short changed. I now pay what I calculated myactuallycosts and not a penny more. I could not care less if she sends debt collectors or not. All my wealth and properties are off shore and in my daughters name. All this nonsense on equality does not exist in this world. Luckily i had a waterproof prenup but the accusations on violence and abuse leave scars foerever, for a year I was wearing Speedo’s to take a bath with my daughter out of fear for being accused by my ex. More attention should be paid to man’s mental health and big sentences should be posed on women who falsely accuse men. Right now they can do whatever they can to hurt and deceive
Daddy1976 - 4-Feb-20 @ 2:51 PM
Women are vicious when a relationship go’s sour. All the laws made in 80’s and 90´s are now a weapon to weaken men. Nobody cares about the mental well being of a loving father and all we are turned into is a cash machine. I been accused of violence, erotically kissing my daughter and many other things. I was so scared to go court that I stupidly agreed on the ridiculous amount of child support I have to pay just because I wanted to see my daughter. ISold my businesses as I was mentally broken from all the endless fighting and knowing I would get short changed. I now pay what I calculated myactuallycosts and not a penny more. I could not care less if she sends debt collectors or not. All my wealth and properties are off shore and in my daughters name. All this nonsense on equality does not exist in this world. Luckily i had a waterproof prenup but the accusations on violence and abuse leave scars foerever, for a year I was wearing Speedo’s to take a bath with my daughter out of fear for being accused by my ex. More attention should be paid to man’s mental health and big sentences should be posed on women who falsely accuse men. Right now they can do whatever they can to hurt and deceive
Daddy1976 - 4-Feb-20 @ 2:51 PM
I have tried everything but unfortunately the father of my spreadsromours abt me saying I'm not taking care of my child but I have tried I could possible do to take care of her and I love her much
Ndundu - 29-Jan-20 @ 5:45 PM
Ex accused me of control and coercive behaviour now her 12 year old daughtersaying I touched her.. how one ended relationship can ruin your life..
Paul - 26-Nov-19 @ 6:59 AM
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