Every year, many people in the UK are falsely accused of domestic violence. The reasons for this are wide-ranging. Some partners or ex-partners make up allegations of domestic violence to get out of a relationship that they are otherwise unhappy with, others do it to spite their partners, while some still want to ensure that they stop (usually) the father from seeing the children.
In other circumstances, a stranger, someone you know, or perhaps your child’s teacher could become concerned about an injury to your child or something your child says – and refers Social Services to you. The tragic fact is that this does happen to people who are totally innocent of any crime. Sadly, although in this country you are ‘innocent until proven guilty’, the truth is that sometimes people can get charged and found guilty for domestic violence on very little evidence.
What Can Happen
You can be arrested while in your own home, in front of your partner and children, and in full view of the neighbours. Then you can be taken to the police station, your DNA taken and held on file, and interviewed while under caution. You could find yourself in court, charged with an offence for which you have done nothing wrong. Worst of all, you could end up with a criminal conviction and sent to prison. The problem is, when emotions are running high after a break up or divorce, one call to the police can have far-reaching consequences. If word gets around your local community, you could suffer verbal abuse, harassment or worse for being a ‘monster’.
Your Rights
If this happens to you, you need to be aware of your rights. You are entitled to legal advice at the police station. If you waive your right, you may end up saying something that could be misconstrued, especially if you are tired or are lulled into a false sense of security by the interviewing officers. There have been many cases that have been successfully brought by the Crown Prosecution Service purely on the basis of an admission in interview at the police station.
If you do speak to a lawyer, tell them the truth because if you are coy, or uncooperative, they are not going to be able to advise you properly. The police may bail you to return to the police station on another date. If they do this, you MUST ensure you go back on the day and at the time specified, or you will be charged with an offence of ‘failure to surrender’ and a warrant may be issued for your arrest. If you are innocent of any crime, be persistent, stick to the truth and try your best not to get angry at any stage. If you find yourself in court, it is vital that you come across as genuine and sincere about your innocence.
Implications For Your Accuser
If your partner or ex-partner accuses you of domestic violence, when you have in fact done nothing wrong, by the time the police are involved your ex has already committed a criminal offence for which they could receive a prison sentence of up to six months. If they then go on to falsify evidence to the authorities – the police, social services etc – they are then perverting the course of justice. If the case actually gets to court, and you find yourself in the dock on trial for something you haven’t done, your accuser would in most circumstances have to give evidence in court. If they are still lying at this stage, they are committing perjury. These are all serious criminal offences for which your ex-partner could serve a long prison sentence.
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10 years married...4 boys...I gave up work to run and care the household...apart from the finances...big mistake..no real big problems in that time either apart from now writing everything down I see her control of me.
I'm accused of reeking of perfume..who have you had here ?.....when actually I was on the sofa all-day watching Netflix on my own.. impossible to prove...she grabs my phone..yes there's porn...I admit to that..but also going on websites talking/looking at local girls....this i have not done but can't explain cause there it is..black and white....makes me sit Infront of boys and say what I've done wrong..even though the websites i know I've not done.
Big fight next night..she punches me on the sofa..kids screaming in their bedroom and shouts dad's just punched me call the police...totally untrue again..I'm kicked out before police arrive no phone nothing and spend 2 nights in a church doorway..I now have
shelter...and she...plasters on Facebook she has suffered the domestic abuse and now I find out she's ' in a relationship ' with someone new..who is a website content maker !!! Coincidence?..and just 4 weeks after the incident..now I had the Dom abuse and there's no way after something like that idea get into a new relationship.. especially when I find out he's an alcoholic!!....the fight starts now..she has bipolar..he's an alcoholic she's weaponised my boys against me too but..I will get my boys to safety...I will get my boys back and back to as normal life as I can...I'm 58 but I'm determined.
Thank u for letting me get it off my chest mentally.
Steve - 10-Dec-23 @ 12:08 PM
I have been in a relashionshipfor 13 years with my exwifeall duringthat time I was very and physicallyabused since we broke up due to her haveing anaffairshe has reported me to the policefor sexual assault and domestic violence now I am under investigation for all her false alagations I have tried to explain to the the police that its been her thats been the domestic perpetrator no one seems to be listening to what I have to say
Dunky - 25-Oct-23 @ 10:53 AM
My relationship with my wife wasn’t great, she was always aggressive to both me and my daughter, drinking every night to excess. The writing was on the wall, however I didn’t want to split the family up. In February my daughter found a message on my wife’s phone from another man, suggesting she was possibly having an affair, as this chap was declaring his feelings towards her.
She claimed at first it was someone she used to work with, then later changed her story to state it was someone she’d connected with on linkedin but nothing was going on.
I started to film her behaviour on my phone as I intendedto replay her the clips when she was sober. When I tried once it aggravated her further. She stated it was illegal to record her.
When these incidents occurred, I would try and completely ignore her by often leaving the house or going to another room as she would just push for an argument.
I have many videos on my phone where I can clearly be heard saying to her that she needs to calm down as it is late at night/early hours of the morning and my daughter is in bed trying to sleep. She had no regard for this. The clips clearly show how aggressive she is and how drunk she would get. there are a couple of videos that clearly show she has assaulted me.
Completely unaware to me she went to the police and reported me for controlling and coercive behaviour, along with five counts of strangulation with intent. I was obviously arrested, taken to the police station and questioned, released on bail for three months with the restriction of not being able to go to the family home and not contacting my wife directly or indirectly.
Night, one of my arrest, my wife invited friends over to the house and had a loud raucous drinking session until the early hours of the morning, my daughter upstairs in her bedroom was texting me until 3:30 am, stating she was unable to sleep due to the noise coming from downstairs. The same happened on night two, night three, my daughter made arrangements herself to sleep at one of her friends houses as she was exhausted from the previous night’s events. This was the beginning of July during school.Night four my daughter came and stayed with me at my sisters house.(as I have nowhere else to stay.) and has been with me since, this week marks 10 weeks since my arrest. During this time, my wife has sent random messages to my daughter often laboured all with no emotion and my daughter has chosen not to reply as she is disgusted by my wife’s behaviour and feels that she has not had a relationship with my wife for approximately 18 months due to her behaviour and lack of emotion towards her. On the two occasions, my daughter has been back to our house to collect things within the last 10 weeks. My wife has made her feel particularly uncomfortable and even tried frisking her on the doorstep.
During my time with the police, they were not interested whatsoever in anything I had to show on my mobile phone. Consequently I
John88 - 14-Sep-23 @ 10:22 AM
My relationship with my wife wasn’t great, she was always aggressive to both me and my daughter, drinking every night to excess. The writing was on the wall, however I didn’t want to split the family up. In February my daughter found a message on my wife’s phone from another man, suggesting she was possibly having an affair, as this chap was declaring his feelings towards her.
She claimed at first it was someone she used to work with, then later changed her story to state it was someone she’d connected with on linkedin but nothing was going on.
I started to film her behaviour on my phone as I intendedto replay her the clips when she was sober. When I tried once it aggravated her further. She stated it was illegal to record her.
When these incidents occurred, I would try and completely ignore her by often leaving the house or going to another room as she would just push for an argument.
I have many videos on my phone where I can clearly be heard saying to her that she needs to calm down as it is late at night/early hours of the morning and my daughter is in bed trying to sleep. She had no regard for this. The clips clearly show how aggressive she is and how drunk she would get. there are a couple of videos that clearly show she has assaulted me.
Completely unaware to me she went to the police and reported me for controlling and coercive behaviour, along with five counts of strangulation with intent. I was obviously arrested, taken to the police station and questioned, released on bail for three months with the restriction of not being able to go to the family home and not contacting my wife directly or indirectly.
Night, one of my arrest, my wife invited friends over to the house and had a loud raucous drinking session until the early hours of the morning, my daughter upstairs in her bedroom was texting me until 3:30 am, stating she was unable to sleep due to the noise coming from downstairs. The same happened on night two, night three, my daughter made arrangements herself to sleep at one of her friends houses as she was exhausted from the previous night’s events. This was the beginning of July during school.Night four my daughter came and stayed with me at my sisters house.(as I have nowhere else to stay.) and has been with me since, this week marks 10 weeks since my arrest. During this time, my wife has sent random messages to my daughter often laboured all with no emotion and my daughter has chosen not to reply as she is disgusted by my wife’s behaviour and feels that she has not had a relationship with my wife for approximately 18 months due to her behaviour and lack of emotion towards her. On the two occasions, my daughter has been back to our house to collect things within the last 10 weeks. My wife has made her feel particularly uncomfortable and even tried frisking her on the doorstep.
During my time with the police, they were not interested whatsoever in anything I had to show on my mobile phone. Consequently I
John88 - 14-Sep-23 @ 8:55 AM
My relationship with my wife wasn’t great, she was always aggressive to both me and my daughter, drinking every night to excess. The writing was on the wall, however I didn’t want to split the family up. In February my daughter found a message on my wife’s phone from another man, suggesting she was possibly having an affair, as this chap was declaring his feelings towards her.
She claimed at first it was someone she used to work with, then later changed her story to state it was someone she’d connected with on linkedin but nothing was going on.
I started to film her behaviour on my phone as I intendedto replay her the clips when she was sober. When I tried once it aggravated her further. She stated it was illegal to record her.
When these incidents occurred, I would try and completely ignore her by often leaving the house or going to another room as she would just push for an argument.
I have many videos on my phone where I can clearly be heard saying to her that she needs to calm down as it is late at night/early hours of the morning and my daughter is in bed trying to sleep. She had no regard for this. The clips clearly show how aggressive she is and how drunk she would get. there are a couple of videos that clearly show she has assaulted me.
Completely unaware to me she went to the police and reported me for controlling and coercive behaviour, along with five counts of strangulation with intent. I was obviously arrested, taken to the police station and questioned, released on bail for three months with the restriction of not being able to go to the family home and not contacting my wife directly or indirectly.
Night, one of my arrest, my wife invited friends over to the house and had a loud raucous drinking session until the early hours of the morning, my daughter upstairs in her bedroom was texting me until 3:30 am, stating she was unable to sleep due to the noise coming from downstairs. The same happened on night two, night three, my daughter made arrangements herself to sleep at one of her friends houses as she was exhausted from the previous night’s events. This was the beginning of July during school.Night four my daughter came and stayed with me at my sisters house.(as I have nowhere else to stay.) and has been with me since, this week marks 10 weeks since my arrest. During this time, my wife has sent random messages to my daughter often laboured all with no emotion and my daughter has chosen not to reply as she is disgusted by my wife’s behaviour and feels that she has not had a relationship with my wife for approximately 18 months due to her behaviour and lack of emotion towards her. On the two occasions, my daughter has been back to our house to collect things within the last 10 weeks. My wife has made her feel particularly uncomfortable and even tried frisking her on the doorstep.
During my time with the police, they were not interested whatsoever in anything I had to show on my mobile phone. Consequently I
John88 - 14-Sep-23 @ 8:50 AM
My relationship with my wife wasn’t great, she was always aggressive to both me and my daughter, drinking every night to excess. The writing was on the wall, however I didn’t want to split the family up. In February my daughter found a message on my wife’s phone from another man, suggesting she was possibly having an affair, as this chap was declaring his feelings towards her.
She claimed at first it was someone she used to work with, then later changed her story to state it was someone she’d connected with on linkedin but nothing was going on.
I started to film her behaviour on my phone as I intendedto replay her the clips when she was sober. When I tried once it aggravated her further. She stated it was illegal to record her.
When these incidents occurred, I would try and completely ignore her by often leaving the house or going to another room as she would just push for an argument.
I have many videos on my phone where I can clearly be heard saying to her that she needs to calm down as it is late at night/early hours of the morning and my daughter is in bed trying to sleep. She had no regard for this. The clips clearly show how aggressive she is and how drunk she would get. there are a couple of videos that clearly show she has assaulted me.
Completely unaware to me she went to the police and reported me for controlling and coercive behaviour, along with five counts of strangulation with intent. I was obviously arrested, taken to the police station and questioned, released on bail for three months with the restriction of not being able to go to the family home and not contacting my wife directly or indirectly.
Night, one of my arrest, my wife invited friends over to the house and had a loud raucous drinking session until the early hours of the morning, my daughter upstairs in her bedroom was texting me until 3:30 am, stating she was unable to sleep due to the noise coming from downstairs. The same happened on night two, night three, my daughter made arrangements herself to sleep at one of her friends houses as she was exhausted from the previous night’s events. This was the beginning of July during school.Night four my daughter came and stayed with me at my sisters house.(as I have nowhere else to stay.) and has been with me since, this week marks 10 weeks since my arrest. During this time, my wife has sent random messages to my daughter often laboured all with no emotion and my daughter has chosen not to reply as she is disgusted by my wife’s behaviour and feels that she has not had a relationship with my wife for approximately 18 months due to her behaviour and lack of emotion towards her. On the two occasions, my daughter has been back to our house to collect things within the last 10 weeks. My wife has made her feel particularly uncomfortable and even tried frisking her on the doorstep.
During my time with the police, they were not interested whatsoever in anything I had to show on my mobile phone. Consequently I
Jon88 - 14-Sep-23 @ 8:48 AM
My wife and I weren't getting on and we both knew the writing was on the wall. I came home sober one night to find her drunk. I challenged her on this because of the kids being there she got verbally abusive so I then went to bed. I heard her coming up the stairs so I got my phone and started recording as shes been violent before, she then hit me in the face 10+ times over 4 assaults(she left the room and came back again and again). I recorded the hole thing. She then went and got a NMO through pure lies. I then showed the video to police who contacted social services. The videos beeing that serious social services said any contact the kids had with Thier mum had to be supervised but the NMO still stood so me and the kids where made homeless!!?. This continued for 2 weeks all the while she was free to spread horrible lies about me around the town we live. Eventually her lies became so extreme and perverse she lost grip on reality and got sectioned. Now because of this she's beeing taken by the hand. All the while me and the kids are left to suffer. The nightmare continues.
Shane - 15-Aug-23 @ 12:18 AM
My ex continues to make false allegations of domestice abuse against me towards her neighbours, I found out recently. The only thing I am guilty of is through our ten year marriage is coping with the extreme strain my ex brought into the family through incurring £33K in debt of payday loans. I never hit her and became violent in anyway towards he other than becoming annoyed at what she had done. The irony in all this is that she has had a police issue a caution for common assault once where she did punched me in the face as a result of the debt she incurred and I quesitoned her on it. She also later punched me again not long after the first incident just becuase I wanted to clear out the garage of her stuff.
She though does not mentioned any of the demestic violence she inflicted on me towards anyone else even the police caution of common assault. She just mentions that I by mistake let a door close on her due to wind catching it and this she then goes on a rant about me abusing her and making up lies of abuse. My reputation has been damaged and now I cannot visit my daughter residence because the neighbours now have the impression I am an abuser.
What can I do legally if anything to stop her from making false allegations becuase I am now not able to show my face around my daughers residence where she lives with her mum?
Nigel - 30-Jul-23 @ 12:41 PM
My ex continues to make false allegations of domestice abuse against me towards her neighbours, I found out recently. The only thing I am guilty of is through our ten year marriage is coping with the extreme strain my ex brought into the family through incurring £33K in debt of payday loans. I never hit her and became violent in anyway towards he other than becoming annoyed at what she had done. The irony in all this is that she has had a police issue a caution for common assault once where she did punched me in the face as a result of the debt she incurred and I quesitoned her on it. She also later punched me again not long after the first incident just becuase I wanted to clear out the garage of her stuff.
She though does not mentioned any of the demestic violence she inflicted on me towards anyone else even the police caution of common assault. She just mentions that I by mistake let a door close on her due to wind catching it and this she then goes on a rant about me abusing her and making up lies of abuse. My reputation has been damaged and now I cannot visit my daughter residence because the neighbours now have the impression I am an abuser.
What can I do legally if anything to stop her from making false allegations becuase I am now not able to show my face around my daughers residence where she lives with her mum?
Nigel - 30-Jul-23 @ 12:18 PM
Being muslim n married on the UK automatically authorities have you as the stereo typical over religious women beating suffering honour kiln monster muslim husband with the timid years of suffering in silence abused locked indoors muslim wife even though both wife and I were born in the UK git married in the UK both educated in the UK after 4 kids under 16 and 15 yrs of non eventful marriage I husband got struck down with long term illness asked wife to assist a lil as I was self employed and that we would need downsizd income etc she made up aome story about mental financial abuse as she could no longer live life as online socialitean wag now minus the range etc she along with West Midlands police the white Knights in white shining armour to everybit of her imaginary res c ue relocation new house extra attention help gov funding and claimed d.a and up left with no notice my 4 kids 200 miles away to another city in uk my health as subs demised even worse she does not allow me any contact I am left having kn hef term seen them 3 days once every year past 6 years I am on pip esa disability which hardly covefs living coping on my ow. Let alone pay for court fed trial case
Shawn - 28-Jul-23 @ 7:10 PM
My evil manipulative coward ex narcissistic deserves to burn in hell, you stole my piece of mind and destroyed my mental health for the sake of your fake victim stories?!? To cheat and get attention then proclaim yourself a survivor?!? You are a disgrace a women, to mental health, to human decency why?!? Why is your life of entitlement more important than everything I ever earned and you had to steal for what?? Fake victim attention?!? Sick
mac - 24-Jul-23 @ 1:29 PM
So sad this is the new epidemic, evil narcissistic women abusing the law the play the victim should be punishable by more than just a fine or a slap on the wrist
FalseAbuseClaimsRuin - 24-Jul-23 @ 1:25 PM
Was married for 32years, she had an affair & then divorced me in 2014 (Blaming me for the reason she cheated).Three grown up children who had already left home. Gave her a mortgage free house in settlement. She remarried, I went back to live with Mam in the home I grew up in.
Mam died, & using my tax free pension allowance, £20k endowment policy, & some earnings I bought my brothers half of the family home, becoming outright owner.
She contacted me out of the blue, one thing led to another, and in 2018 we remarried.... I know I was/ still am a fool.
Over the past few years she keeps going to the Police accusing me of domestic abuse, cohersive control/stalking etc. with me endingup being arrested on multiple occasions/ kept overnight in the cells, missing work, banned from any contact with her & from the family home that I bought, but put her name on the deeds. Every time I am released "No Further Action" but now she is applying for a non molestation & occupation order to keep me out. Apparently with a history of domestic abuse against me, No criminal proof, but her statement of events is enough.
Living in a car, and she wants me to contribute to the house bills too.
Not working, to old to start over, but still love her...Cant see any future, got no money, I should have been retired years ago if she didn't divorce me. Shoot me now....I have started divorce proceedings, because of the threat of being arrested at anytime, but would go back given the chance. Can't live in a car for long at my age, (63) but all the cards are stacked in the woman's favour (glad in a way, I have two daughters) but being accused because she fears for her safety with no physical evidence, is making me think of ending it altogether. Three weeks till court, then at least I know its definitely time to end it
Fool in Love - 28-Jun-23 @ 5:03 PM
Hi, my so called wife made false allegations against me back in January for apparently having indecent images of chlidren, I obviously was arrested for this and on the same evening I was arrested she showed them charges around the community which placed me strait under the threat of the paramilitary within the community. Those charges however were dropped by the police good 4 weeks later and I was free again but the damage has been done without remorse. I was back at the house but she was not happy at all, we had a small but heated argument which she used to charge me with common assault and I was banged up in Prison for the first time ever for 3 and a half months, still waiting for my total sentence as well.
I pressed charges against her while in prison for false allegations, wasting police time, ruining my life but nothing has been done by the police or the PPS respective CPS. Even the solicitor seems to go aganst me when the facts however speak a total different language.
I'm currently under court bail not to contact her or my littlen in any way shape or form and I'm barred from the area as well.
I keep on persisting with those charge pressed against her and hope that after moren then 4 months things start moving in the right direction to finally get justice.
Jordy1033 - 28-Jun-23 @ 1:02 PM
Hi, my so called wife made false allegations against me back in January for apparently having indecent images of chlidren, I obviously was arrested for this and on the same evening I was arrested she showed them charges around the community which placed me strait under the threat of the paramilitary within the community. Those charges however were dropped by the police good 4 weeks later and I was free again but the damage has been done without remorse. I was back at the house but she was not happy at all, we had a small but heated argument which she used to charge me with common assault and I was banged up in Prison for the first time ever for 3 and a half months, still waiting for my total sentence as well.
I pressed charges against her while in prison for false allegations, wasting police time, ruining my life but nothing has been done by the police or the PPS respective CPS. Even the solicitor seems to go aganst me when the facts however speak a total different language.
I'm currently under court bail not to contact her or my littlen in any way shape or form and I'm barred from the area as well.
I keep on persisting with those charge pressed against her and hope that after moren then 4 months things start moving in the right direction to finally get justice.
Jordy1033 - 28-Jun-23 @ 1:00 PM
My wife came on the visa we been together married since 2016 but we lived in part so she was in Turkey I was in UK,some reasons I couldn't applied earlier we had a child 2019 and finally I applied a visa for her ( as child was born British cos am British) so spend money every month on bills , rent,and spending money , and food shopping,basically everything also she had,daughter who's 19 now so I actually treat her like my own daughter bought anything she asked always gave her money so she wasn't ambarast in front of her friends when they were out etc. She recently Jan 2023 came with our son who's 4 years of age now. Soon as we came into UK she's changed completely and secrecy like secret phone calls and hiding her phone and only speak to her family when am out for shopping or go my hospital appointments so I suspected this was a pre planed visa marriage. So I asked to divorce her as I said this isn't a loving relationship but after a week I taken my son to hospital as he had a,fall and injured his head she thought it was nothing she never told me I only noticed day after when I was changing his nappy and I questioned her but she got very panicked and offensive andshe said it was nothing so I take him to hospital and he had a xrayhe was OK thankfully but the problem was she should of inform me or inform the play center that he had a head injury but she didn't think it was important anyway after that I knew she even gone cold and all pretendent behaviours etc anyway baby came to me crying about his,arm 2 weekafter his head injury so I take him hospital again this time she suddenly asked interpreter so she gone to another room i stayed in room that we were in so she cane out 1 hour later she acted nothing happened and I asked why you asked interpreter etc she wouldn't tell me I realised that it was the first time she made allegations to safeguarding teaming hospital and I didn't know anything but we carried our day to day life but talking every other night about our relationship but all those time from hospital allahatins on the march 2023 until 16th June she had been taken out of the house by social service so I gathered that she was always in contact with them. Seriously I just can't believe this happened as this house I rent and fully furnished my self cost 6000 and now she stay in the as she rang me to pick her up as people who taken her said as long as me and her sorted between us she could come home and I could come and pick her up and I recorded that conversation before I gone to pick her and my beautiful son up and when I picked him up he hugged me very tight for 15 seconds I couldn't breath as he missed his daddy that much she was crying her eyes out saying how sorry she's is and going though this feyz and I believed her we came home next day she calk the police that I went to pick her up and police came and arrest me in my house and I am on bailed not to contact her or baby and not to enter my own house until bail e
Ted - 27-Jun-23 @ 9:56 PM
It's a night mare being accused of horrible crimes when your innocent.
My son has been accused of domestic violence.
It's not because I'm his mother I say this.
But my son is as soft as butter and incapable of defending himself let alone violence.
He's now homless and lives in a van and has a phyco bitch pressing charges against him.
Some women are just men haters and bullies.
They choose soft men to dominant because real men reject them.
So for all those guys out there that have been wrongly accused.
Don't let it brake you.
Grow stronger through the experience and nt time. Get yourself a real woman. Not a scrap end that no one else wants. Your worth more.
Linz - 24-Jun-23 @ 11:48 AM
You might live in fantasy land Sam. But I live in reality and the reality is you where in a relationship with Gordon and jacbo Reece and the reality is im not the biological father to any off your children I think flynn is Brett Johnsons biological son and bree well hey I dont know only you do.(but what I do know is it's not me )so stop lieing to yourself its not (healthy). Like when you where saying your daughter was sexually abused you are wrong I am not Bulletproof it's just the (fact I know to much and know I have never fathered any children )I dont care if you date women or men I don't care if you live with a pedo or abusive person .I will tell you because (none off your children are my blood) so it's not my( fight or worry) .
C laurie - 24-May-23 @ 4:47 AM
No Sam you got me confused with all your other boyfriends and now your father .in reality Sam we where never in a( relationship ).I always seen you as (Gordon's partner gods truth) and jacbo Reece would always complain to me on the (construction site) about how you wouldn't stop seeing him .I was like mate it none off (my business).because everyone knew we where just( sharehouse mates) .and I know I'm not the( biological father) because we never had sex .so stop ok .
C laurie - 24-May-23 @ 4:20 AM
I have a police bail about controlling and coercive behavior until 12 july.my ex made q false report.she has a new nan and she just want take me out our council house.we have joint contract.before the police bail alkwas i am cooking i play with the kids i am take to the bath.i do evetything.now she want every weekend i am with the boys.vut where I live now i can not take there the youngest.i told her 6-8 hours is too much on the street fir our youngest boy.he just 1 and half years.she saidshe dont care not her problem.and the bjys weekly 1 2 Times has a bath they very dirty.before the police i am start the parenting pman on cafcass website.i has not any problem before wuth the police.but i dont know will i need go to the jail?or where can I found sonebody how help me stay with my kids?
Richard - 23-May-23 @ 1:46 PM
In reality I find women who have gave birth to children ( absolutely gross )and find it hard to beintimate .i only date women who had zero children it’s my thing.no one is perfect and everyone has thereidiosyncrasies .
C laurie - 3-May-23 @ 3:23 AM
I Been though the courts been( punished for domestic violence) served a bit of time done my probation and compulsory courses a (very long time ago now ).now I have moved on and happy with my life .(I dont want to see her adult child gods truth) .(people can judge me and say whatever about me I find it funny .).like I told all my( family just stay away from me live your lifes and I will live mine 100 percent) .I called out a few guys I wanted( fight) I not one showed up .so there's nothing eles to discuss .
C laurie - 3-May-23 @ 1:06 AM
In my experience the( police) where good to me .(and told me to drop off and get a solicitor) I did and have never been in( trouble since) I didn't worry about the solicitor because off( very high conflict) her mother is just( someone who just brings out the worst in me )and her daughter was so close to her mother it would have been( terrible she would have been miserable crying for her mother) .I believe children need there mothers and in reality dont need there fathers . I Believe it's a women job to rasie children (not men's and stand bye it) .anyway her daughter is a adult now so it doesn't matter anymore. She most likely has her own partner and children now I think she is (20 years old ).I dont even want to see her children if she has any .been to long and way to awkward and( everyone has moved on with there lifes ).it's best to leave sleeping dogs lie.
C laurie - 3-May-23 @ 12:41 AM
this happened to me just last week. the police got into my house didnt want to talk. a simple talk and i would prove she was liying however i never had any problems with the police they took me in and after 24 hours thrown me in the street without phone propert clother homeless, family less childless dogless card less. was the worst time of my life still is. no evidences whatssoever i actually had lots that she ws lying and they didnt want to see. I cant believe that the police is playing this and nothing will happen to her cos shes a mother.
in last resort i will change my sex to be treated equaly.
I gave uncodicional love to them all never even shouted.
got betrayed and stolen of my house and everyhting i own by my ex.
im creating a group on facebook and writing a book to sell on kdp lets get together to fight back for justice.
this police approach is not fit for purpose are breaking lives and using public resources incorrectly.
ufopeace - 2-May-23 @ 9:48 PM
Sid after reading your post brings back bad memories for myself .(mate my advice drop off bro once women get like that they will stop at nothing to jail you ).it sounds harsh but( f daughter) forget about her .because you will end up in (prison bro )and believe me mate it’s not a (good place) .bro think about yourself have a exit plan .and drop off the face off the earth and start again .and never contact your ex or your daughter ever again.this is my advice anyway.
C laurie - 16-Apr-23 @ 12:08 AM
A few weeks ago I was arrested at my place of work due to a false allegation that i had threatened to kill my wife. We have had a breakdown in our marriage and she had been putting pressure for a divorce at first I had tried to be amicable about it for sake of our 4 year old daughter, she is on a spouse visa which recently has been extended, only after extending the visa she had turned more nastyby threatening to not take our daughter to school so social services would get involved,which in turn happened. On a monday evening she was acting strange trying to get me riled up when she asked me about what was happening with divorce, she was constantly on my case as if i can make the divorce happen over night, i said simply if you want to leave heres the door. There is no way I would be leaving my own flat, the next morning I had recieved a call from my daughters school who were concerned that she was not at school, this spurred me to leave my place of work to walk home to only find out both my wife and daughter were not at the flat, it turned out that the school without informing me had driven to my flat to pick up my daughter and my wife , who they said to me later they were worried about, she has been rehearsing this it seems for weeks, a ploy to act she was a domestic abuse victim , anyway i turn up at the school on my way back and its revealed to me that my daughter was at school along with my wife, the school had locked the gate on me which I felt was odd, anyway still perplexed why my wife was at school and them being cagey i decided to go back to work, around lunch time 2 police officers had entered my work and arrested me on alleged threat to kill her i was gobsmacked at her sheer audacity to lie and to be arrested in humiliating fashiom in front of my colleagues. I spent a day in custody, very upset at what was happening to me, i have since been released without charge pending investigation on bail and its been weeks and police said they will give me an update but i am on bail until june, meanwhilst Iunable to go back to my flat and worried about my daughter whos beem clearly affected by this ordeal asking why i am not at home and she is missing me, i find it crazy that a woman can lie and cause so much emotional damage towards me and our daughter, all because she wanted to seperate and get rid of me from the flat which is in my name, was wondering if anyone has advice or been or going through something similar, ive turned in to a insomniac and cant get any decent sleep worried about my daughter, even though the social are involvedthe authorities are clearly siding with my unhinged wife not understanding the lies she said and the fact she is on visa with no right to public funds like housing benefit, she knew playing the domestic abuse card will mean i have to leave flat which is in my name, my life is in tatters i have been demoted at my work, hairs have fallen out and worried sick about everything
Sid - 15-Apr-23 @ 7:50 PM
Same Klmcm0612 the lies never end so don't bother asking. You're whole relationship was just one Long setup for the big victim story. ?? it's disgusting, our lives are worth more than someone's pathetic victim story. I coddled this girl now she's calling herself a dv survivor, I never raised a hand to her it's sick. She hurt me in the cruelest was possible for her growth and fake vixtimhood. ?? I feel bad her family enables her instead of seeing how sick she really is. But you'd never know she's not a real person, until you see too much then they attack. I've never been more broken it's cost me my life, she's insane and it's obvious how much she needs to play to victim to anyone ?? but no one will argue with a fake abuse victim they just coddle and appease her like she wants from eveyone. I saw that sick desperate need for attention early, so many red flags.. now it's all twister everything I said said or did. I wish I believed in hell, hopefully karma is real people who make false abuse claims should be locked up.
BudaMac - 17-Mar-23 @ 12:12 PM
Can anyone help with any advice?
Having a child arrangements case, I started without legal representation as just wanted shared care. Ex filed non mol order with a list of false allegations, clear to get legal aid, nothing upheld in court. Two months later I am arrested on 4 historic false allegations. I gave my phone over, released on pre charge bail for 71 days, this was extended a further 6 months a week before due to answer. I've asked for an update but heard nothing.
The arrest to me was to try and prevent contact with child which ultimately it didn't do. I'm constantly down, can't sleep, want to see child as contact has been stopped due to exes family behaviour towards me and me logging it with the police to protect myself.
Any help would be appreciated, I can't afford the costs that are mounting and can't take additional legal advice. Been told I'm doing everything right but it's not helping me at present.
Mando - 5-Mar-23 @ 8:47 AM
My ex wife prevent me visiting my children as a tool of revenge for our separation. I already applied to the court but she is making it longer appointments at the court. She falsely accused me of domestic abuse. This is taking time and this is what she wants. Is there any means I can see my children while the court is on process? Now it is five months since I saw them and since I talked them through the phone.
Nek - 3-Mar-23 @ 2:27 PM
Hey dim wit bar maid ,no one is taking you to court Do you really think I would won’t the burden off looking after a child ?plus misssimple your daughter is a adult now .I will agree with you Gordon or Jason or Dan whose guys should been on the birth certificate they would off taking you to (court for visitation or mediation all that stuff ).me I was glad to be free and remain that way today .(quit the blogs old friend).in reality I have zero interest in you or your kids. Cheers for not wanting child support I won’t shot you now I give you pass .one catch stay away from me .